The Fierce Destination

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Time seemed to have traveled by too quickly. With the few street lights in Teller's Den, (f/n) could see the entrance to the graveyard up ahead. A chill ensnared her body, and she managed to lift her hands up to her upper arms and rub them a little bit. She imagined being tucked into the comfortable sheets and comforter back at Nick's house, and she wished that she was there now. Then again, no one else would be there. If her previous tormentor decided to attack her, she would be practically defenseless in her current state. Another chill raced up her spine at the thought.

Ether glanced over to (f/n), and he noted how she became tenser. It didn't surprise him, especially since the graveyard didn't look to have too many lights by it. At least, at the entrance that was the case. Within, there might be more, but they couldn't be certain until they passed through the open wrought iron gates.

When she diverted her attention over to him, he gave her a simple nod to acknowledge that he would keep her safe. A smile didn't meet her lips. Rather, she turned her focus back to the road; however, he saw her relax by somewhat of a fraction. On his lips, a pleased smirk formed, and he paid attention again to their surroundings.

The car progressed towards the open gates. Nick made the right turn. He kept the headlights on since they would work against Callest potentially if he tried to come at them head-on. Then again, he might be able to ignore the lights to a degree due to adjusting his sensitivity to light. Keeping the lights on also would raise less suspicion for them. There was security around; he was sure of it, but it would look odder to drive in with no lights on.

As they drove further into the area, headstones and graves passed them by. A thin layer of snow covered the ground, and most of the headstones had ice on them. Flowers were frosted over, and the pine trees were the only trees with leaves in the cemetery. The maples were barren and provided little coverage to the graves beneath them.

Over the entire region, a haunting atmosphere greeted them. From the road, they only could see out so far into the cemetery. There were only lights along the road, and there were few to begin with. In the deeper parts of the graveyard, there were none, which made the tall pines frightening. Her past tormentor could be hiding behind any of them, and they wouldn't know unless Ether was able to smell his scent or hear him.

By a little bit, her heartbeat picked up. Thankfully, the main road did have a right and left turn up ahead, which allowed visitors the ability to stop closer to their loved ones' graves. Nick made a right turn. "How do you know where she was buried?" (f/n) asked, wondering if they would end up spending longer out in the night.

"I did some research." Chris leaned forward on the seat again and grinned. "It's about all I can do right now with this leg." (F/n) resisted the urge to give her a sympathetic look, and she smiled instead so that Chris's mood wouldn't drop. It probably was keeping her from freaking out about the fact that she may never make it back to the car. "But, I found the news article on her burial in the town paper online. There was a picture where she was buried. I compared that to the map of the graveyard posted on the funeral home's site. It took awhile due to all of the trees, but I managed to find the location." She pointed out towards the far northeast end of the cemetery. (F/n) couldn't make out the scenery too well due to the lack of illumination. "We're looking for a collection of maple trees. Her name is Wilhelmina Sinnel, but her headstone might just say Mina Sinnel. According to the news article, her family used Mina as her nickname."

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