The Wet Tackling

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Standing against the far wall, opposite the door, she watched him set the bag by the sink. It was a singular bathroom since it was meant for one of the maintenance crew. Where they were wasn't accessible to patrons of the subway system unless there was an emergency. With that in mind, there just was the sink and toilet. Both still operated and had running water. Despite her gratitude for the water, she hated the room, and she couldn't help but tremble against the old white tiles of the space.

A dusty light fixture, which had dead bugs on the inside of it, glowed above, and it cast a sickly blue hue over the room. Somehow, it also made her tormentor's skin look more deathly white and his bored expression all the more sadistic. His optics met hers before they scanned over her form. "It's not that bad," he commented in a voice that wasn't reassuring in the slightest. "And, the longer you huddle over there, the longer this is going to take."

"... It's going to take a long time either way," she muttered more to herself than to him, but he overheard her regardless. He shrugged before he faced her fully, which caused her to press her back up against the wall more. "Sorry!" she quickly apologized as she noted him standing up to his full height of about six feet and four inches. His casual steps towards her made her close her eyes out of fear as her back slid down the wall. She curled up and held her arms over her face, and her fingers brushed over many scars and bruises, but she didn't wince. Her heart was beating too fast, and fear was overtaking her.

She shouldn't have said anything; she knew better. He hated hearing her voice, any human's voice for that matter. Sometimes, she wouldn't speak for so long that she wondered if she could talk anymore. In the past, she had protested more, but that got her the same result if not worse since he became annoyed more easily. Unlike Ether, he wouldn't control his frustration, and he would lash out at her, yelling about how much Ether had spoiled her.

His feet stopped right in front of her, and his right foot tapped her on her left calf. "Apologizing isn't going to get you anywhere. Do you think that I'm just going to let you sit there now?" She visibly winced, and he sighed in slight irritation. "We've been over this before. Get up and take those off." Her fingers tightened around her upper arms, and when she didn't move fast enough, his right hand shot forward and gripped both of her forearms.

With little effort, he ripped her up from the floor and practically dangled her in front of him. A scream nearly left her, but his left hand covered her mouth. His pinky nail was dangerously close to the base of her left eye. "Not right now. That can be for later." Her eyes widened, and she was tempted to shake her head, especially when a malicious grin greeted his lips. "See." He released her and dropped her to the floor, where she supported herself up on her hands. "You should've listened. Now, am I going to have to ask you again?"

Silently, she shook her head, and she resisted the urge to clench her fists. He'd notice it and punish her more. "Then, get up." Slowly, she pushed herself to her feet and hugged her arms over her chest. Her tormentor rolled his eyes. "I don't know why you're still embarrassed about that. You're a human; you disgust me." She didn't move her arms, and he rubbed the bridge of his nose, but he didn't look away. (F/n) understood why; he wanted to humiliate her and take away any form of privacy she had. To him, she was just the pet of another one of his kind, and he could punish that pet however much he desired all so that Ether would learn not to play around with vile humans.

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