The Kind Support

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Resting back against the maroon armchair, he had the footrest propped up. Earlier, he had managed to change his clothes, and he was thankful for the stool in their closet so that he could sit down for part of the process. An olive green pullover and grey lounge pants covered his form, and he had taken another pain pill to help with the soreness of his left ankle. Soft bandages wrapped around his injury, and he slightly could feel the fabric rub against the stitches there.

Against the left arm of the chair, his crutches rested. Briefly, he glanced to them before he leaned his head back against the chair. He combed his right fingers through his auburn locks and closed his eyes. Slightly, pale morning light shone through the windows' glass and dark brown chiffon curtains. He frowned a bit, but he was also thankful that it was morning and that he remained living.

Still tired from it all, he slowly opened his green-hazel eyes back up. They fell upon Chris's form. Her chest was rising and falling in a steady pattern, which eased his mind and heart a little. The entirety of her lower leg was bound in a black cast, and it was propped up on a stack of two pillows. Near to her side of the bed, the left one, were her own set of crutches.

Deidre had been kind enough to help position Chris on the bed before she had gone off to help Nick with the creature and (f/n). She had returned a little while later to change Chris into comfortable, clean clothes. Ren couldn't have been more appreciative, and he would've place Chris back on the bed if he could, but his own injury prevented him from doing so unless he wanted to risk hurting the two of them more.

He smiled some at her peaceful form. A black flannel pajama set, with blue snowmen and snowwomen on it, kept her warmer as did a plush brown blanket. Her light brown locks were no longer in a ponytail, and they framed her face gracefully as though she hadn't endured the nightmares of the night. Perhaps, Deidre had brushed Chris's hair too. Either way, he was grateful that she was alive.

Memories of her jumping out of the floor and shoving Callest aside entered his mind, and he would've laughed had the situation not been so dire. She could've been killed in a few seconds if not less; he could've never had the opportunity to ask her, and his heart clenched at such a thought. He knew that it was soon to ask since they hadn't even known each other for a year, but after the evening, he didn't exactly want to wait too long either. Ren knew that he would regret not asking, and he knew also that he wanted to ask her.

Releasing a quiet, drawn-out sight, he hoped that he wouldn't make things awkward between them. They were technically dating, but she might not be ready. The possible consequences of his action scared him, but it terrified him even more that he might've lost that opportunity the previous night if things had taken a turn for the worse. Almost, they did. Had (f/n) not made it through her surgery, he'd be dead in a vet's office or tossed somewhere else where he wouldn't be found. That would've been the same for ... Chris even if she had saved (f/n).

A quiet moan, though, woke him up from his thoughts. He sat up abruptly and winced when his ankle protested. His optics, however, focused on Chris. She tried to shift around on the bed, but her right leg gave her trouble. The difficulty to move caused her to furrow her brows, and her hands pushed the blanket somewhat off of her in frustration. Ren would've chuckled had he not been worried about her hurting herself.

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin