The Unhappy Restriction

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Everything. Every single piece of that conversation ... she had heard. It echoed in her ears and penetrated past her skull. All responses and answers splattered before her eyes as though they were crimson raindrops. Each drop expanded upon contact with the ground, and it was as though she could feel the vile wetness trickle down her skin.

Something wet hit her forearms. She felt the substance trail down her cheeks, and the light splashes against her skin only sunk her deeper into what her mind was unraveling and trying to place together in a less tumultuous fashion, but it all came too quickly. The sea of thoughts and ... facts were heartbreaking, and she simply had been an observer to the scene, not even that. Her blue optics hadn't viewed the expressions and exact actions of every party involved. Instead, she only had heard it and imagined what was taking place. That was enough.

It was incredibly hard not to sob in the vents, but she couldn't, or she would give her position away. She had to remain calm even though her friends were suffering so much, and she wished that she didn't have the answers to why (f/n)'s backpack was in the tunnels. What the creature had committed to her was worse than the imaginable, and Chris couldn't bear to dwell on those facts for too long.

Worse, Nick had experienced the whole conversation directly. The creature had taunted and tortured Nick alone with his words, and she had heard all of his sobbing. It tore her apart, and she wanted to rush out and punch the creature a thousand times over, but she couldn't ... That caused the situation to be all the more terrible.

More tears fell, and her mind drifted onto the fact that Ren was probably badly hurt, aside from his left ankle wound. The sound of banging had hit her ears, and it was accompanied by Ren's groaning. She had a feeling that he wasn't dead since the creature didn't seem to have that intention until she was captured, but she worried nonetheless. Her heart ached more, and memories of her moments with Ren played through her head. How she wished to be laughing over coffee and food again. Something so simple seemed so wonderful. Even if she just could hug him, she would be at her happiest; she just wanted to hold him.

Almost, she sobbed and blew her cover. Her mind nearly traveled to thoughts of Deidre next, but she prevented another onslaught of emotions. She had to concentrate, or she would be of no help to them; she would get captured, and the nightmarish evening would never end while they were alive. Before she could think anymore, however, she snapped to attention. Chris wiped away her tears and forced the new ones back before she remained still in the vents.

"Time to go catch the last one," she heard the creature mention to himself. His soft footfalls hit her ears, and each one sounded like its own version of a bell tolling for death. Chris steeled herself more and maintained a steady heartbeat somehow. "I wonder which one I should kill first. It sounds like the others don't know, so maybe I'll kill the last first." She didn't know what he was talking about other than the fact that he might be planning to end her life first out of her team members.

She would be spared the horrid fate of watching Ren, Deidre and Nick die, but she felt like she would die again in death from knowing the suffering that they all would go through while she was dead. More tears threatened to fall, and she bit her bottom lip to get her body to focus on the pain there. Barely, it worked, and she held her breath when she spotted the creature coming into view.

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