The Cruel Tears

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Before the creature even could utter a word, Callest spoke, "Don't even try to tell me to remove my hands." The older of the two creatures kept his hands on (f/n)'s shoulders. "You know that you can't beat me in time to save her if I attack." His left index nail trailed along the bruises on her neck. "All it takes is one little slip, and you lose her." Callest's tone wasn't sadistic. Rather, it was straight to the point and serious; he was disclosing a fact that was all too true to the younger creature. It only fueled the flames in the younger creature but it also terrified him.

Images of crimson pouring down his partner's neck infiltrated his mind, and it brought no hunger to him. If anything, it made him sick, but his rage kept him standing. Slowly, he clenched his hands, and his nails stabbed through his left hand. Blood dripped, and each droplet created an echo as it splashed against the floor. The gentle, but booming sound caused (f/n) to blink open her eyelids. (E/c) orbs steadily revealed themselves back to the world, and she lifted her head up in a tired attempt to view her surroundings. Callest's index finger maintained its position against her delicate flesh on her neck, and she took notice of the threat immediately. Her eyes didn't widen, however. She didn't move further, and she quieted her breathing so that she didn't bother him. A chuckle, lacking any form of amusement, fell from the older creature's lips. "Welcome back. I have more surprises for you."

She didn't question him about his words since her eyes saw everyone who had come to the area since she last had been knocked out. Deidre remained against the wall opposite to her, but Ren was beside, almost in front of, her. The auburn-haired male was lying on his right side while his left ankle was wrapped with fabric soaked in presumably his own blood. He too was unconscious. Her optics even fell upon Nick, who remained gagged, and she saw how his head slumped forward as his wrists were red from the strain of the cables on him. Chris was absent from the room, but she barely noticed that as her eyes landed on the final individual.

Her lips parted, but no words came out. Shock covered her countenance as did ... The younger creature felt his heart tighten. She looked relieved to see him, and he saw tears forming in the corners of her eyes, but her tears didn't feel right. They felt tainted, and it pained him to think of all the pain she went through to end up in her present state, physically, mentally and emotionally. Yes, he wanted her to cry for him but not in the present way. His feet took a step back, and his hands relaxed as his nails pulled out from his own skin. Soon enough, his left hand healed itself, and only a small pool of blood evidenced his injury.

"Oh?" Callest remarked, raising a brow. "Did you finally realize your mistake?" His right hand cupped her jaw and squeezed a little, which caused her to wince visibly. An almost guttural growl parted from the younger creature's lips. "No?" Callest tilted her head back and forth. "You're mad at me for what I did to her, but you're backing away." The younger creature hadn't even realized that his feet had stepped farther back. "Are you scared of what you've done to yourself? How you let yourself fall?" (F/n) attempted to say something, but Callest covered her mouth with his right hand.

When she went to bite him, his right foot pressed hard on the back of her right calf, and she let out a muffled cry. She didn't try again. "See how moldable she is if you punish her?" The younger creature didn't utter a word. "Yet, you played with her and gave her so many chances. It took about two whole months to get her to this point, and she still fights back time to time." Callest's expression became bored. "But, I did get her to relinquish some of her denial." He kept his hand over her mouth and trailed his other nails down her neck as his right hand pressed her head back forcefully. A moan of discomfort parted from her.

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