The Gentle Transfer

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


All of the preparations were in place, and things were paid for. It was simply a matter of when the rental car would be dropped off at their location. The vehicle had four-doors and three rows of seats, though; the very back row had to be pulled up. That wouldn't be too much trouble, and Nick suspected that the creature would sit back there with (f/n) so that they would be offered more privacy.

After Deidre and Nick had dealt with the archives, hotel and car rental, they had moved back to the front of the office while the vet had walked back into his office. Ether had promised to pay him for his services, and Nick assumed that Ether would do so right before they left. His brown optics glanced down the hallway slightly when he leaned forward in the chair. No sign of Ether leaving the operation room greeted him, but Nick wasn't surprised either, so he returned his attention to the rest of his team.

Deidre helped Ren reposition Chris comfortably across several of the chairs. Her right leg, her fibula and tibia broken, was secured in a cast. Crutches were nearby for when she woke and would need to move. If she remained sleeping when the car arrived, Nick would carry her out since Ren had his own set of crutches; the auburn-haired male needed to stay off of his left ankle for about two weeks so that his wound could heal properly. Chris probably would require the crutches for about two months, and they'd have to visit their doctor back in their town, Teller's Den, for her cast to be removed and for her to transfer over to a boot about six weeks in.

Inspecting each one of them, Deidre and he really had been the only two left able to function fully. There was Ether, but Nick didn't know how helpful he would be around the house. Most likely, he'd stay by (f/n)'s side most of the time and take care of her. If he could cook for her ... that would be another story. Horrid images of cooked human flesh formed in his mind, and he almost audibly gagged. Other than Ether, Deidre and he would have to undertake most the work for the first two weeks. Chris and Ren could continue their research on their laptops, which was a relief, but Nick didn't expect them to start working immediately. He wanted to give everyone a few days, maybe a week, off to recover mentally and emotionally from it all.

Realistically, it would take a lot more time to recover, but they also did need the income, especially with all of the bills that would be coming in, unless they wanted to wipe out their savings entirely, which he wanted to avoid if he could. A ring from the reception's phone, though, pulled him from his thoughts, and he answered it before he hung up soon after. They would be at the vet's in just a few minutes.

Standing up from his seat, he mentioned, "I'll be back." Both Ren and Deidre nodded. Deidre did offer to go in place of Nick, but he shook his head. "I've talked with him before. It's fine. He won't kill me." They looked skeptical, but Nick gave them a small reassuring smile before he stepped towards the operation room.

Once there, he peeked inside. (F/n) remained unconscious, and the creature had his head down on the table on his forearms. He now had another black hoodie over his torso, but (f/n) continued only to have the sheet pulled over her lower half, her bandages and her bra on. Probably, Ether had been too worried about moving her right after surgery. Nick didn't blame him; she appeared incredibly fragile.

Lightly, Nick knocked on the right side of the doorframe. "The car will be here soon. You should start moving her." Gradually, Ether lifted his head and stared over to Nick, who forced himself not to focus on the tear stains on the creature's face. He had seen the creature cry before, but it still was a shock to him. Nick released an awkward cough, however. "... Do you need help?"

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