The Round Brightness

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Thumbs wiped away tears gently, and Ren continued to smile as her light blue optics remained on his green-hazel ones. She searched his eyes as his words met her ears. "... Always," she repeated quietly, and he kept up his smile.

"Always if you'll let me."

Something seemed to click in her mind as the words resonated more. Her brows furrowed between tears, and Ren slowly started to pull back from her. His hands fell from her cheeks and landed gently upon her own hands. He gripped and squeezed them lightly. She couldn't adjust herself too well due to her injury, but her attention was fully focused on him. He moved himself some so that she wouldn't have to shift around on the bed too much. "So, will you let me?"

Somehow through her fading sobs and the tears still trickling down her cheeks, she managed to release a quiet laugh. It seemed to echo around the room, and it made his heart feel all the lighter to hear such a gorgeous sound from her despite all of the turmoil they had gone through recently. "Only if you tell me more about this 'always.'" A playful grin tried to fall upon her lips, but it ended up being a small smile; however, some brightness was returning to her eyes, and he squeezed her hands just a little bit more out of happiness.

Even if it just was a brief moment in time, he wished to distract her from the dread-inducing future, and he hoped that as the days passed, he might be able to show her the positives of their situation. She already acknowledged that they still were breathing, that they had made it out of the subway, but he desired to give her more reasons for breathing, more joyful moments so that the hurt of it all wouldn't consume her.

"Well ..." He trailed off as his eyes scanned around the room until they fell upon her laptop case. Ren, almost reluctantly, let go of her hands, but he had something worthwhile to show her. "Let me show you." She raised a brow as curiosity and hope filled her gaze, but he was off of the bed before he could notice. Reaching her bag by the bookshelf, he lifted it up into his hands and headed back over to the bed.

Seating himself down again, he gently set the object on her lap. "I might've made some modifications." She quirked a brow before she stared down and unzipped the case. Ren tried to keep a less eager expression upon his countenance, but his heart was racing as her right fingers reached into the bag and were met with paper and metal. Chris knew that she hadn't put the two items in there.

Rarely, did she add anything to her case except her laptop and charger, but she wasn't too surprised at the same time since she had been expecting something to be in there that was new.

Slowly, she removed the two items. Her brows furrowed again when she saw wiring wrap around rolled pieces of paper. "Remove it," he instructed as he attempted to keep himself from bouncing in anticipation. Doing as he asked, she took off the metal wiring, glad that it wasn't electrical cables. A shiver traveled up her spine at the thought of those even if she barely had seen them in use. Just a few seconds had been enough.

Forcing her mind to forget the subway, she unrolled the pieces of paper as something else fell out onto her lap. Barely, she glanced at the papers, but she had noted them to be the documents on Castle Lake Amusement Park ... their first case they solved together. A smile touched her lips, and her eyes steadily shifted down towards her lap.

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