The Mad Settlement

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Not backing away from the anger in (d/n)'s tone, Ether answered, "They won't die." His tone was calm and collected, but there was a hint of irritation in it. Obviously, he knew that he couldn't draft a plan that would involve risking the safety of (f/n)'s mother and sibling. That would destroy the whole purpose of rescuing them, but it would make killing Callest easier; however, he wouldn't go that route due to his deal with her parents and for (f/n)'s sake also. She might no longer miss him if he allowed her parents and sibling to die, especially at the hands of Callest. "Yes, part of the building may fall apart, but he won't let them die. Not until (f/n) and I have a clear view of him."

"What if you're wrong?" her father questioned, his right fingers drumming against his left forearm. No one in the room didn't understand how her father was feeling over the current plan, but no one had a better method to offer. Ether's idea made sense, and it had the potential to work. It wasn't injury proof, but it was better than trying to sneak in with no distraction or not sneaking in at all. "What if he makes it out, but they don't?"

"I doubt that he'll let that happen. He wants us to see him take your wife and child. If their deaths happen accidentally, the effect won't be the same." Ether slightly glanced over to (f/n), and his left hand clenched into a fist almost, but he stopped himself at the last moment. His mind traveled back to how Callest had been so close to (f/n) back in the subway and how his nails had stabbed through her midsection.

About to argue, (f/n) stopped her father. "Dad, he's right." Instantly, his (e/c) eyes met hers. She had seen Ether tense but not in a scared sense. No, it had been out of growing rage. If her dad continued to fight with him, something like before might break out again, and she wished to prevent that. Besides, she knew that Ether probably was right. After all, she had been with Ca ... him for about two months; she understood somewhat how he operated. "If we're not there to witness him killing them, he'll feel like he hasn't served us the right amount of punishment."

Scanning around the room, her eyes briefly met everyone else's before they landed back on her father. "Everyone else here I'm sure understands that. What happened in the subway ..." A chill wrapped around her, and she found her eyes drifting to her lap. Her fingers intertwined on her lap, and she squeezed her hands together a little bit. "He's obsessed with having witnesses be a part of his punishments. When he feels that a human has wronged him, he wants a show for them. The same goes for if he feels like a member of his own species acts different from how he feels they should act. He doesn't take pleasure in any of it, though."

Once more, her eyes met her father's again, and he caught just a glimpse of the horrors she had experienced in her eyes. His heart tightened at the fact that he hadn't been there to help his daughter. "He just wants to administer physical, emotional and mental pain because he feels they deserve it." She set the papers about the abandoned factory aside so that Nick and Deidre could examine them more. Deidre came over and grabbed them. The older woman gave an appreciative smile to the younger before the younger nodded and focused back on her father.

"Then, you support entirely ramming a truck into that building?" She nodded. Her father released a rough sigh. "I still hate it, but I ..." He glared to Ether, who only smirked somewhat in return. "... Well, I can't think of something better that won't end in us getting caught by that other creature." Pushing back some of his hair, he messed it up a bit more, but it already was untidy from all of his panicking in the morning and on the drive to Teller's Den. "What about you? You'll be in the truck. What if ..."

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