The Needy Time-frame

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Adjusting her black backpack, Chris made room for (f/n)'s. It added extra weight, but if (f/n) was in the subway and still alive, it would help if she had her identification card and money. For all she knew, the game between the other creature and (f/n) still was on. The additional food, if it was still good, would help the younger woman too, especially since there was no telling how long (f/n) had been down in the subway. If it had been for the full two months that the missing person reports had started, then she definitely would appreciate having her food back. Chris didn't want to consider what the creature in the subway was feeding her if he was keeping her alive.

Leaving the bathroom behind, she headed towards the staff break room. As she did so, she thought that at one moment she heard a scream followed by other cries, but she couldn't pinpoint the owners of the sounds. They were also faint, and she wondered if her mind was playing tricks on her. If it wasn't, then there was a high chance that those noises had belonged to Ren and Nick if they had been forced to head towards platform three and gate two.

She couldn't resist a gulp. Did the creature capture them? If so ... No doubt, she had to get moving. Had the creature truly secured Ren and Nick, she most likely would be his next target, and she couldn't get caught. Somehow, she would have to outsmart the creature that probably was more intelligent than her, and she unfortunately didn't have days to think of a suitable plan. Instead, she maybe had minutes if not less.

Matters weren't helped by the fact that she most likely wouldn't be able to head back to platform two. If the creature had Ren and Nick and they were over by platform three, the creature would have to come back onto platform two. She potentially would walk right into him. There were small vents in the walls, but they were too small so that was out of the option. As for platform four, it still was blocked by that metal gate.

Mentally, she groaned, but she supposed that the frustrating situation was keeping her mind off of the gruesome things that her teammates might be experiencing presently. She really hoped that they were at least alive; she couldn't bear thinking of them being dead. Chris forced back the negative thought and proceeded to the staff break room again. It didn't take her long to reach the door.

Opening the door, she stared inside and shone her flashlight's beam over the room. The time clock wasn't electronic. It was a paper system with cards for each staff member to fill out, but there was a wall clock conveniently placed next to it. Unfortunately, it no longer worked, and she imagined that the batteries in it were gone or useless. Her attention shifted from the clock and papers and over to a table and chair set. None of the furniture was fancy; the table was plastic as were the chairs, and they were cracked in places.

Electrical sockets were in the room, but whatever appliances had been attached to them were gone. There were cupboards, but the cabinet doors were opened and unveiled that nothing was inside but dust and spiders. Her flashlight continued to investigate the room, and she noted that there was an air vent at the top of the left-hand wall. Even with the backpacks, she would be able to fit through, but the question was of where it led; the blueprints hadn't covered that many details. At some point, there probably had been a blueprint discussing the air vents, but it was nowhere in the archives, so she assumed that it was lost. She doubted too that she would locate such a map in the subway. Most likely, the new creature had confiscated it if it had been lying around the place.

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