The Little Shocker

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

 Her smile didn't last long as his eyes remained on her, and she met their gaze through the rearview mirror. Slowly, it shifted into a more nervous expression, and she eventually broke her attention from him; she needed to pay attention to the road after all, and she was beginning to sweat slightly from his intense stare. "You smiled," he said quietly, the voice almost missing her ears. His voice wasn't high-pitched, low or even threatening; he sounded confused and surprised more than anything. "And, you were referring to me holding onto (f/n) ... Odd."

The creature focused on (f/n). Her heartbeat still was slower than usual, but there was nowhere near as much blood leaving her as there had been before. He brushed gently aside some of her (h/c) locks with his left nails so as not to cut her in the process. "Aren't you against this?" he asked, his eyes briefly looking back up towards Deidre.

She tightened her hold on the wheel. "Yes, I am. You're forcing her to be with you through a series of deals, and you've turned her life into a sadistic mess from what I've heard ..." Deidre trailed off, uncertainty writing itself across her countenance. "But ..."

"I'm acting different right now." She nodded slightly. "You did see how I was before she was healed, though. I could tell that you were and are terrified of me. You still remember that I could kill all of you within a heartbeat and not feel one ounce of guilt towards the action." Again, she nodded. "And, you still hesitate." Slightly, the creature giggled. "If you were with Nick's old team, I imagine that they might abandon you. Not Nick of course, but the rest of them would."

"Regardless of what happened ... in the past," a chill ran up her spine at simply imagining the death in Cankerfell, "and what I've seen of the more ... horrifying side of you, this side, right now, is ..." She tried to think of a word to describe it all. "You're having a basic conversation with me even though you probably planned on torturing and killing us before Callest did what he did. You changed your own desires for (f/n)'s sake, and I see," she gulped slightly, not sure how he would respond, "how you look at her."

"Then even if you don't approve, you also approve?" he questioned, curiosity dancing in his eyes. The human woman was behaving very differently from how he suspected. She recognized that she only was breathing because his partner was breathing; she acknowledged his gruesome acts and was shivering from what he could tell, yet she also was conversing with him like they were two acquaintances chatting in some café or whatever humans called such places.

"I don't approve either way, but I know that I can't stop you from being with her. I can't fight you." The bruises on her skin from Callest reminded her of that too well. "The best I can do is run, and I'd rather not if I don't have to. I have Nick, Ren and Chris to keep safe, so I don't want to anger you. If I were to take her away from you again, I would be signing my own death sentence despite your promise you made."

"Wise choice." Another giggle parted from him. "I would kill you if you took her from me, especially when she's like this." If (f/n) wasn't on his lap, he would've leaned forward, but he kept himself against the backseat so as not to disturb her. His pink flower would need a lot of rest before she got back to her health prior to her kidnapping.

"Despite that, though ..." Her eyes glanced to her left a little as she thought that she never would say such words to him. She averted her attention forward once more and slightly up towards the rearview mirror. "I'm relieved that you do actually care for her and will keep her safe."

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