The Fit Father

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


 Everything, every horrible occurrence that had transpired over the call, had been relayed to Deidre, who had narrated all of the details back to the rest of her team. Needless to say, the trip to (f/n) parents' home was canceled. Instead, they were waiting for her father to arrive at Nick's. The morning sun had shifted to afternoon. Barely, the sun shone through the thick clouds that were forming overhead. Only a light snow was predicted to fall, though, but it wouldn't last too long since the colder months were coming to a close.

(F/n) was resting on the bed. Her back was to the headboard, and her body rested on top of the white comforter and sheets. She was curled up, with her legs folded and pointed to her left. On her form were a plush black hoodie, navy pajama shorts, black flannel leggings and navy fuzzy socks. All of her (h/c) locks hung loosely around her head. Overall, she just wanted to be comfy and warm.

After hearing the news, Deidre had brought her a cup of peppermint tea to help soothe her nerves and mind as well as any nausea she might've felt. Her hands were wrapped around the mug, and steam rose from the top of the beverage. She stared down into the lightly colored drink as her mind kept focusing on when her father would arrive. It was nerve wracking since she didn't know if Ether was entirely right about the other creature holding off on attacking him.

Ether wasn't speaking at all during this time. Rather, he was listening. He wanted to let his pink flower know exactly when her father arrived at Nick's home since he understood how worried she was. His arms were crossed over his chest, and his left nails were tapping against his right forearm. The taps were rhythmic, and they kept his own impatience somewhat at bay. Even his eyes were closed since it helped him focus more to a degree. If he continued to view his partner's concerned expression, he might miss when her father pulled into the driveway.

While (f/n) took another sip of her tea, his ears did catch a car going down the street. He concentrated more on the noise in case the car began to slow down. Unfortunately, it only sped. Almost, he cursed out loud. (F/n) noted the frown on his lips when she briefly averted her eyes to him. Unbeknownst to him, a small fraction of a smile hit her lips. She comprehended what he was doing, and she appreciated it.

The smile, however, didn't last long since her worry came back just as strong. It was only getting later, and he still hadn't arrived. According to Deidre, the drive from Teller's Den to her town was about five hours. If (f/n) included packing time, it might've took him five hours and thirty minutes, but he probably wouldn't spend too much time packing if at all. No doubt, he wouldn't make any stops along the way due to the urgency of the situation.

As she was about to drown in more negative thoughts about her father's wellbeing, she nearly spilled her tea when Ether suddenly opened his eyes and sat upright. She placed her tea down on the nightstand on the right side of the bed and sat upright herself. "What is it?" she finally spoke, her heartbeat increasing by a little bit.

Immediately, he didn't answer. Instead, he listened further until he heard a car pull up into the driveway. There was a loud slam and beep sound shortly after. Heavy footsteps followed. "He's here. That has to be him. There's no beeping sound with any of the deliveries." (F/n) didn't sigh in relief yet. She wanted to see for her own eyes that her father had arrived safely.

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon