The Stark Writer

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"(F/n)?" the creature called out once more. No response greeted him, but he was happy to know that she had been able to wake back up. Even if it had been just for a moment, he saw her lovely (e/c) eyes again, and that gave him further hope that she would make a full recovery.

"Do you think that she heard?" Deidre asked, leaning to her left to look around the creature and observe (f/n). Her eyes were closed, and her (h/c) hair was drying as it framed her face.

"It's possible. Either way," the creature glided his nails across her forehead and brushed aside some of the wet locks, "it doesn't matter. She probably wouldn't want you four offering yourselves up anyway, especially if someone already dead is an option." Slightly, Deidre relaxed. "Anyway," the creature peered over his left shoulder towards her, "don't you think that you should go?" His tone wasn't necessarily threatening, but it clearly indicated that he wished to be alone with his pink flower.

"... Right," she answered, a pause in her voice due to his annoyed stare. He nodded and focused back on (f/n). "I need to attend to the rental service anyway."

"Make sure they come in and enter the garage to take the car. Close it right after they leave," the creature instructed, not looking back. A slight giggle parted from him. "They might find it odd, but that's their problem." His giggle, though, didn't carry amusement. Rather, it warned for her not to screw up. If she did, Callest might gain an opportunity to attack. Yes, they weren't immune from him by being in the home, but it kept them close. In a way, it kept them in a nice package for Callest to collect later, so he wouldn't feel rushed in attacking ... maybe. The creature didn't know, and that worried him immensely, but there was only so much he could do. No doubt, he would remain by his partner's side, though, just in case Callest did intend to strike.

"I understand. I already told them that over the phone actually." She turned away from him. "But, thank you." The creature paused. "I know that your concern is (f/n), but you're also keeping us safe. I appreciate that." Deidre smiled a little, and she glanced to him when he stared back to her. "You're keeping my friends safe; they're alive because of you. I hope you know that means something."

"Think what you will, but this is only because it's convenient and your friend saved (f/n)'s life and the possibility of another life." He broke his gaze with her and concentrated back on his little helper. "It's a simple repayment, and I still will kill all of you if the situation turns for the worse and it means keeping my partner safe. I usually don't break promises, but I would in that situation."

Slightly, Deidre gulped, but she didn't hide it. Rather, she proceeded to nod her head. "I know; I don't expect you to give up (f/n) for us. Originally, you had planned to kill us." He nodded, but before she turned to leave, she mentioned, "But, I do have another question."

Annoyance graced his eyes, but he didn't order her out. "The person who sent us to Delain ..."

Cutting her off, he responded, "The blog writer. Did he fund your trip out there?" A sigh parted from her, and she nodded. How easily he could predict someone's words sometimes was a little frightening. It demonstrated how it didn't take him much effort to read into a situation and spin it into his benefit or create his own terms for the situation. "If Nick and you are reporting back to him about what had happened, just tell him that the subway became too dangerous, and it would be suicide to go back in. Or, you could lie and say that there wasn't anything of interest down there. That might be easier so that he doesn't ask more questions."

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora