The Speedy Emergency

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


The entire way, the creature wished to shout for Nick and Deidre to hurry up with Chris, but he didn't waste energy on doing so. He adjusted his speed to match theirs, and they were running as fast as their tired and bruised bodies could handle. If only there had been an old shopping cart down in the subway. Then, he would've shoved the four of them in there with the two backpacks on Chris and his own duffel bag. Presently, he felt like he was dashing through an airport to go on what humans called vacation. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, and he could hear his partner's heartbeat slowing down even more. "Hang on, (f/n)," he whispered, pressing his lips to her left temple. "I'm getting you help."

Ren, not having much choice to be where he was and not wishing to argue either given who was holding him, heard and slightly saw the creature's action as he bounced up and down on Ether's left shoulder. The movement hurt every time due to his heavily bruised back and injured left ankle, but he had no will to complain. If he did, the creature probably would've tossed him down the subway steps as Nick, Deidre and him all ran up them. He also remained quiet since the creature sounded like he was going to save Chris too, so he was ... grateful to Ether as odd as that sounded.

Nick noticed the action as well, but, like Ren, he didn't say a word. He concentrated back on helping Deidre carry Chris, and they thankfully saw no bones jutting out of her skin from that other creature tossing her into the wall. They couldn't see any bruising or swelling either due to her pants, and they weren't going to check until they got to the vet's office. The oldest human male severely hoped that the vet didn't have a current client, or things would become complicated. Ether probably even would kill the owner of the pet.

Still, the whole situation was bizarre to him. It was as though he was racing in a dream. (F/n) was nearly dead, but all of his teammates remained alive. All of them had escaped the tunnels like he had promised, but he had ... the creature ... Ether to thank for that. The same creature that murdered his last team brutally was now running alongside his new team and displaying emotions that Nick never had seen before on his face; he only had heard about them from (f/n). Even then, he never imagined the creature to be so ... caring and ... gentle towards her. His whole mind barely could wrap around it all.

"The vet, which building?" the cold harsh voice crackled through the air as though it were lightning. Nick glanced back to the creature and forced himself to stay beside the taller, terrifying male. Anger mixed in with his other emotions in his very pale blue optics. "Which building?!" he shouted but not too loudly since they were now outside.

"Right, sorry." Nick looked away from him. "The fifth one down that line over there. See the wooden fence and the small gate."

"Got it," the creature answered curtly. "Nick," the creature started, distaste in his tone from speaking the human's name, "I'll pass you him," he shrugged his left shoulder with Ren, "once there since I might need to lock pick the door. You four will need to head in quick after me in case Callest is following us. I can't smell or hear him right now, but it's for precaution." Nick nodded, and Ren looked relieved at the prospect of being out of the creature's hands. "Are there any cameras around this place?"

"I think that there might be one at the back, but I'm not sure," he answered, hoping that the creature wouldn't tear off one of his limbs for his uncertainty. Ether, though, simply nodded and muttered something under his breath. Nick, again, was baffled, but he didn't say anything. The creature might lose it otherwise, and it was a surprise that Ether was remaining so collected. If (f/n) died, though, that composure might forever disappear.

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