The Funny Secret

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 

No idea of how much time had passed entered her mind. All she had was the disgusting sound of the maggots. Even if she couldn't see them in the dark, she could hear them wiggling their way around the corpse, and she at one point felt something slimy brush against her right arm. It then transferred to the side of her neck, and she squirmed against her restraints to attempt to get the thing off of her; however, nothing fell off, and the feeling vanished. Was she hallucinating again?

She closed her eyes since she couldn't view anything around her anyway, and she attempted to block out the sound of the feasting larvae, but it was too loud. It invaded her ears and stayed there like some vile infection. In another attempt to lose the sound, she focused on her aching limbs since they were growing tired of the awkward position they were in. Her head and back were pressed against the back of the metal chair and train tracks while her forearms and thighs were sticking up into the air.

Potentially, she could roll onto one of her sides, but she would squish one of her legs and arms in the process. Being even more uncomfortable wasn't on her list of things to accomplish. Then again, she didn't have much of a list to begin with. So, her really only movement she could pull off was lifting her torso off of the chair, but that didn't help her one bit. If anything, it just increased her discomfort after a few moments.

Pressure, though, on her left leg caught her attention. Out of instinct, she opened her eyes. Standing in the darkness was a skeleton, and she knew who it belonged to. There only was one individual who she saw like that, and she gulped. Even though she knew him to be a figment of her imagination, he was all too real at the same time, and she found that she couldn't ignore him, especially since her hallucination was visible in the overwhelming darkness.

"Isn't this an interesting position for you?" Since it wasn't her tormentor, she managed a scowl. "Reminds me of my girlfriend." His bony left arm pressed more into her leg, and she winced while his fingers tapped against her skin like dull knives. "She was tied to a chair, but she wasn't as lucky as you." (F/n) nearly rolled her eyes before she hissed at her leg being hit all of a sudden.

"Why isn't she here, then, to bother me?" (f/n) commented, breaking eye contact with him.

"Oh, she is, but she's laughing too much right now to talk to you." Just barely, she could hear faint laughter from behind her. "Anyway, I thought that since you're being tortured I might join in on the fun." His jaw chattered away with a chuckle. "What's funny, though, about all of this is that I wouldn't even be here if you weren't breaking." She didn't respond. "You think that you're holding onto hope and that he hasn't cracked you open completely, but the truth is very different."

Dean moved off of her leg and crouched beside her. His right index finger tapped against her forehead, and she pushed her head back as much as she could. "You feel guilty, and you want to be punished. Maybe, you got over killing us, and we disappeared for a bit, but now," he chuckled again, "you want a punisher. You couldn't kill the creature, and your real tormentor knows. You're ashamed of yourself." Standing up, he faced away from her. "And, other things are surfacing more and more. That's why you've been seeing Laura again too. You're scared, and you're shouting to be punished for your failings." He peered over his right shoulder and down to her, but she stared away from him. If he could grin like he had been able to when he still had been alive, he would. "So, I'm going to be your temporary tormentor while your real one is taking a break from you. Honestly, you're disgusting. No wonder he needed a break."

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