The Raw Reaction

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Moving off of the bed, (f/n) touched her feet to the floor and slipped off of the white comforter. Her eyes shifted over to the chair that Ether was sitting on. He understood what she wanted, but he was reluctant to hand it over since it meant that she would be positioning herself closer to her father. After their fight, he'd rather her not be over by him, but he released a drawn-out sigh and stood up. Unfortunately, he was going to have to get over that fight if he planned on living with (f/n) and her parents for the rest of his life.

Before she could grab the chair, though, he picked it up and started to walk over towards the older male, who watched his every action carefully. (F/n) nor Ether blamed her father for such behavior given what Ether was capable of. The only reason both of them were alive was because he wanted/needed them that way.

Setting the chair down by the table, Ether stood off to the left side of her chair while she came over and sat down. She moved the chair closer to her father, and her hands rested on her lap while her father faced her completely. There was a dense air between them. When her (e/c) eyes met his own (e/c) optics, she let a soft sigh part from her. It sounded tired and confused. "Dad, what happened?"

Breaking their gaze, he pushed his right hand back against his hair. "Like I had said, we celebrated." He leaned back on the chair. "We had been so overjoyed to hear that you were alright after learning from Ether that you had been kidnapped by that other creature. After that first call, our emotions were so high that we couldn't contain ourselves." (D/n) leaned forward and rested his head in his hands. "We were worried, despite Ether telling us that the other creature wouldn't kill you before he got there, that you were dead. We were worried that if you were alive, you would die the instant Ether found you."

He smiled over to her. It looked bitter but not regretful since the memory of that night was a fond one even though now his actions produced such a grim scenario. "But, you weren't. You were alive and would make a full recovery." (D/n) dragged his hands down his face as if that would help remedy the present circumstance. "We had no intention of your mother getting pregnant."

"Then ..."

Looking to his daughter again, he clarified, "When I first told you we celebrated, I was in a panicked, high intensity emotional state. I shortened it to just celebrating because I was too worried about your mother and sibling's safety that I wasn't in the mindset to explain myself." He gave a short, bitter laugh. "Now, I realize that it sounds like we just skipped to that after your call. That wasn't the case at all."

"Mom and you had margaritas, didn't you?" Her father nodded. "And, a movie night?" He nodded again. Somewhat, (f/n) smiled a little, glad to hear that her parents still were able to enjoy their life a little after everything that had happened. That smile faded quickly, however, since the present situation was so dreadful.

"We probably had too many. A stupid decision." He shook his head. "We probably should've just gone to sleep after the last movie, but our emotions being heightened and our minds being affected by the liquor led to us staying up longer."

Once more, he leaned forward and rested his head in his hands. "All the odds, though, were against her becoming pregnant. Her cycle just had ended. She was only on day eight, and even as an irregular, she shouldn't have been ovulating. At least, that's incredibly uncommon." Ether would've been confused by some of the terminology had he not studied female anatomy back when he was researching a way for (f/n) to carry his child and survive. Neither (f/n) or her father took much notice of Ether during the conversation, though. They were too wrapped in it. "Not to mention, the chances are slimmer given our ages. And, your mother after you has had difficulty becoming pregnant."

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