The Creaky Progression

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Briefly, Callest cast his gaze down on (m/n), and his eyes held nothing but disgust. "You'd come here to save this woman and her unborn child, a human child no less?" Callest met Ether's eyes once more, and they held irritation in them. "And, for what?' His head signaled to (f/n). "So that you can meet her approval? So that you don't lose her missing you?" He held his head up high. "Pathetic. I hoped that you were better than that, yet you've gone even further back from who you used to be."

"I thought that side annoyed you?" Ether continued to hold (f/n) firmly against him. A frown coated his lips, and he didn't take a step forward. "You know going around and making a show of things."

"It did, but at least, you weren't submitting yourself to a human. You knew better. You preyed upon them, and that's how it should be. What you're doing now is vile." Callest took a step forward before his left foot rested on (m/n)'s back, and he pushed down. She couldn't resist, and she gave out several muffled cries, especially when her face eventually pressed against the cold floor. "This woman should be nothing more than food to you. The same for the one in your arms. Maybe," a nauseous scowl formed on his lips, "she could be used for breeding stock, but that's it."

"If you think so low of her mother, why don't you hand her over and move on?" Ether's tone was casual, and it was becoming annoyed. "I get that you're disappointed in me or something for my carelessness in the tunnels and for me falling in love with a human, but that's your problem. I ..."

"I'm making it your problem. This is your punishment," Callest spoke firmly, cutting him off. "You thought that you just could prance around with your human and have no consequences. Maybe, that's the case from the humans, but from your own kind, I don't think so." His eyes narrowed, and the older creature almost looked like a parent scolding a child. "You're making a mockery of our species. You're letting yourself become weak. You're letting that human woman control you, and it's sickening."

Trying to keep himself from acting out, Ether inhaled and exhaled slowly. His left nails were inching to stain themselves with Callest's blood. "I don't find it sickening. Maybe, it's frustrating at times, but I don't regret making myself her partner."

"Her partner?" Callest released a bitter, cruel chuckle. "Does she call you that back?" Ether remained quiet. "She doesn't, does she? Partner would imply that you're equal with each other." When Ether didn't reply, Callest smirked more, but the smirk was because he was right, not because he was enjoying the argument. "You may think her an equal, but she doesn't think the same for you. Maybe, she thinks that you're beneath her, and she's been playing you all along and hoping that you die today so that she can go and live her life freely."

At that, Ether began to giggle, and he had a hard time holding onto (f/n), but he managed, and he tried to control his giggles. Callest stared on somewhat puzzled. The older creature parted his lips, but Ether cut him off, "If you're about to ask me what's funny, it's that I already know that she's hoping for me to die today when I kill you." Almost, Callest scoffed at Ether's confidence in killing him. "I know that she wants that. But, I have another correction. (F/n) doesn't consider me beneath her."

On his lips, a smirk formed. "No, she doesn't call me her partner because she doesn't love me back. She knows that partner means romantic partner to me, and she doesn't agree to that meaning of the term." Ether adjusted (f/n) in his arms, and her head rested against his chest lightly. He only wished that the situation were different, and he was carrying her to bed so that she could have a peaceful sleep. "She knows very well not to consider me a weak being like you're doing. I've been honest with her about why I'm doing what I'm doing, and she's accepted that. She's accepted all of my actions." Lifting his head up, Ether looked down on Callest even though he was the shorter of the two. "I only need her acceptance, not yours. Never will I need yours."

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