The Grimy Brawl

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Above bangs had sounded loud and clear, and there had been a bone-chilling cry that had echoed out from the third floor. No doubt, all of them had felt a shiver slither up their spines in dread. It didn't help that they couldn't distinguish who the cry had come from, but for one of them to emit that sound, they must've received a gruesome injury.

Another issue was that they hadn't gotten too far due to the snow on the ground. The road had been cleared, but the areas around it hadn't been. Thankfully, the road was coming up, and the gate was down, so they didn't have to worry about climbing up and over it. In Deidre's condition, she most likely wouldn't have been able to hoist herself over alone. Possibly, her dad could've helped her after he helped her mother, but that remained uncertain, and it didn't need to be answered. What was important was that they had easy access to the car once they reached the paved path.

Again, though, that would take at least a few more minutes of trudging through the snow. Her father was taking long strides as he carried her mother and sibling in his arms, but Nick and she were struggling with Deidre. Deidre was losing a lot of blood, but she managed to remain awake at the present moment. Whether she would make it or not was uncertain, though. Nick was losing blood too, and his vision was partly compromised due to his right eye. (F/n) wasn't certain whether it was because he just had crimson covering his vision or if it was something more serious; she hoped for the first option.

All of their attention, however, snapped back to the building. Glass shattered, and she froze. The other creature ... he was bursting out of one of the third-story windows. To her relief, Ether came rushing out after him. When she saw the other creature dangling and Ether gripping onto the second-story window, she knew that she was holding her breath. If Ether let go of the other creature, it would be over for them; the other creature would be on them in seconds. Ether understood that too, and her (e/c) eyes widened with relief when she noted that Ether lifted up the other creature and threw him through the window. Soon enough, Ether went in after him.

"(F/n), let's keep moving!" her father called, his voice breaking her out of her stare. She focused her attention back in front of her and nodded. Nick moved too, and he shared a glance with (f/n). There was no need to understand what Nick wanted. He was begging her to keep concentrated so that Deidre's life wouldn't be compromised in the process, and she saw that he was holding back his panic. Most likely, he was forcing himself not to relive the memories from the tunnels and how Tara was killed right in front of him. That acknowledgement caused her to push herself more; they had to get Deidre to the car to stop her bleeding, and she made herself not avert her attention back to the window where the two creatures went through.

"Do you think that this is going to stop me?" Callest bore a heavy, disappointed frown on his lips. "You saw the condition of two of those humans and how her mother looked. They're moving too slow. I will get past you and catch up to them." He took a few steps forward, and Ether held his ground. "It's time that you realize that and let me carry through with what must be done."

"What must be done is for you to die." Ether raised his left nails, and they twitched with the anticipation of plunging through Callest's heart. "All this sh*t about punishment and what not is getting old." A near growl left the younger creature. "You almost killed my pink flower, and I'm not letting that happen again. You're getting nowhere near her ever again."

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