The Wide Alteration

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Despite his words, she shook his head even though his look held nothing but truth in it. To her mind, her escaping the fate that the other creature had planned for her in the subway had brought this terrible situation upon them all. Maybe, she would be dead now, but ... Ether squeezed her hands, and the tightness of his hold woke her up from diving back into those thoughts. "I'm not letting that fire die out in you again, (f/n)." Her expression almost seemed lifeless and puzzled. "From the beginning, you've always wanted to live no matter what obstacle was before you. You were able to get away from me back in Cankerfell because you were determined to live. You didn't let the situation drag you down and freeze you." His grip tightened, and she winced, but he didn't loosen his hold. "You've survived so many situations because you refuse to lie down and just give up."

"But, this is different. If it hadn't been for Chris, my will to live or not ..."

Instantly, he cut her off. "So, you're just going to waste what Chris gave you?" His question caused her to pause. "She helped save you back there. She might've died if the other creature had thrown her just a little harder against that wall. He was distracted, so he hadn't concentrated his full strength on her. She got lucky, but she pushed him and knew that she very well could die in the next moment." He tugged her towards him before his right hand left her hands and moved to her chin.

"You saying that you should've died would've changed things?" Almost, a dark, cruel laugh parted from him. (F/n) saw the shift of emotion in his eyes, and she wanted to pull back, but his grip on her chin was strong, nearly painfully so. "Well, it would've. Like I had said, things would've been worse. Nick, his team, your parents ... All of them wouldn't be alive."

Finally understanding what he was getting at, her eyes widened, but his expression didn't soften. If anything, it grew serious. "No, they most likely would be dead, and the other creature would be dead too if I didn't die first." His eyes stayed locked on hers. "You know why." She didn't answer.

Releasing her chin, he rested his hand on his knee. "The only reason why I've been able to control my anger around Nick and your father is because you're here. The only reason I've been able to live around humans without making a full meal out of them is because you're here." A giggle parted from his lips before a grin spread on them. "Without you, they become targets just like anyone else." Despite his giggle and grin, his eyes bore nothing but seriousness. There was no amusement in his tone.

"If you had died that night, I would've butchered Nick's team. Even Chris wouldn't have been spared. She would've just been lucky that she would've been unconscious when I killed her. I would've tortured Nick afterwards." A dark, sadistic gleam crossed his eyes, and (f/n) felt a chill slither through her blood. "I'm sure you can think of all of the things I would've done to him based on what you've seen of my actions in the past."

Slowly, she nodded, but she forced herself not to dwell on such thoughts. Otherwise, she might have to dart to the restroom. "Your parents would've been next." She didn't have to ask why; she knew that he would've been in a ballistic state of mind. Anyone associated with her probably would be placed onto the chopping block. "One probably would die slowly and the other quickly."

A heavy frown formed on his lips, and his fingers clenched around his knees. His left nails practically stabbed into skin, but no blood was drawn yet. "And despite all of that, it only would've made the other creature happy. Even if I had killed him and lived, he would be able to die in a peaceful state of mind. While you would've died in agony, he would've been killed in bliss." Almost, a growl left him. "I never want that piece of sh*t to die like that. I want him to die knowing that he lost and that he was wrong. I want him to suffer more than you suffered."

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