The Harsh Smile

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"... Are you saying that this is all my daughter's fault?" the older male questioned, his voice calm and unwavering. He walked around his chair and pushed it back in.

"No," the creature responded in a clear and firm voice. "She came into the tunnels, and she escaped. What happened after that falls on both of us, not just her. And, I, ultimately, was the one who sought her out after the tunnels. I was the one who continued this whole mess."

"So, you admit that you've made her life a living nightmare?" His (e/c) eyes locked onto the creature's, and the creature nodded.

"I do, but I haven't been able to let her go." He maintained his gaze with her father even if he wished to look away. "It's selfish, and I know that you two would've killed me when I walked through that door if it hadn't been for your daughter missing. You already told me that." The creature sighed and his right fingers clenched the fabric of the brown pants a little. "But, I love her." His eyes glanced between both of them. "Even if you find that hard to believe given what I've done, I really do."

"If you ..." her mother started, and the creature focused his attention on her.

Almost immediately, he cut her off. "If I truly loved her, I would let her go?" Her mother didn't say another word, but she nodded. She probably took his tone as threatening, and he hadn't meant it to be, but the phrase had annoyed him. "I find that ridiculous. I understand that loving another person is about sacrifice, but each individual has their own sacrifice that they put forward." The creature heard a scoff from her father, but he ignored it. "And, mine isn't letting her vanish out of my life."

"And, just what have you sacrificed for our daughter's sake?" (d/n) questioned, pure bitterness in his tone. The older man walked a step forward and placed his left hand on the table before his fingers clenched the wood.

Momentarily, the creature had to avert his eyes down at his lap. His right hand clenched the pants more while he forced his left hand not to so that the clothes wouldn't be ruined. They weren't his after all. Slowly, a pained smile touched his lips, and he diverted his attention back to both of them. The smile caught both parents off guard, and her father now stepped back a little. Both saw that the smile wasn't a ruse to gain their sympathy; it was genuine even though they very much wished to doubt that. "I can't tell you since I wouldn't be threatening anymore. Even saying this now may ruin that, but it's all I have."

Dipping his head down, the creature stood from his seat. "I'll go work on the list and begin researching." He pushed in his chair. "But, just know that I don't cast blame all on your daughter. I don't deny the awful things I've done to her and to you both or to anyone else I've harmed. However," his eyes locked with both of them again, "Callest may be placing most if not all blame onto her for what's possibly happened to him. And, I doubt that he'll be making deals with her, and if he does, they're either probably lies or tricks in one form or another."

Turning away from them both, he nodded his head to them respectfully before he headed off to (f/n)'s room ... their room. The door closed behind him, and the creature heard them moving back in the kitchen. His left hand fell from the doorknob, and he pressed his back to the door and slid down the wooden object. Knees closer to his chest, he leaned forward and placed his head on them. He really should be getting straight to work; (f/n) deserved that, but his emotions still were in so much turmoil even though he had claimed that he would be starting anew; that it would be different. Unfortunately, that conversation had knocked him almost back to his prior state.

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