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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

News of the incident at the factory made it onto television; however, the other creature's body never was found. No blood, hair or flesh had been discovered at the scene either. The only thing that could relate to the cause of the factory's destruction was the crashed truck and the blown-up engine. Law enforcement had interviewed the driver of the semi, but he only had noted that he was sitting in the diner one moment and the next he was unconscious. Everyone had noted that there was a hooded man and a woman who had entered for gas, but Vincent had confirmed that they had left before everyone was knocked out. Thankfully, no one had seemed to question that information, and Ether had grinned when he had heard the human male make such a lie; Vincent had proved more useful to him than he had been expecting. Even if any more evidence at the factory had been located, it never had been brought to public attention, and nothing seemed to be brought up about it again as time passed.

As for Nick and his team, they moved back into Teller's Den. Whether they moved or not from that location, (f/n) didn't know; they never said, and she understood the secrecy. Despite Ether promising not to kill any of them ... unless the situation changed, they probably wanted to move somewhere that he didn't know about. (F/n), however, did receive news from Deidre, occasionally Chris would send a message too, from time to time via text messages on her parents' phone.

Chris and Ren had gotten married soon after the events of the subway and factory. The ceremony had been small and just had Nick and Deidre as the witnesses. Deidre had mentioned that they had a small reception at the house before the two of them took a week off for their honeymoon. From the sounds of things, however, they didn't plan on having children for awhile, most likely when they hit their thirties. They both wished to focus on work and take some time to recover from everything before they raised a child.

Concerning Nick's business, he made sure to narrow down the jobs they handled. They only would go out to locations if the places were surrounded by people. No more isolated locations that no one had been in for a long time or carried rumors of people going missing and/or showing up dead. He was done with that, and the rest of the team was too. If they did receive requests for that line of work, they only would provide consulting on the matter so that they could stay well away from the location.

From the sounds of things, Nick still had feelings remaining for (f/n), but he kept them in the back of his mind and only would mention them to Deidre every now and then. (F/n) couldn't provide any reassurance because she honestly didn't know what to say. It's not like she could tell him that things would get better and he would get over them; she wasn't him, so she didn't know. There also was the fact that Ether wouldn't allow communication between the two of them, hence Deidre, and sometimes Chris, being in charge of the text messages.

Sometimes, however, she would get feelings of guilt popping up from what had happened to Nick's right eye. He now wore an eye patch, and Deidre had mentioned that it took awhile for him to adjust to seeing things only out of one eye. She didn't go into too much detail, but it sounded like he had broken down in tears when he first had been getting used to that fact. Ether, though, constantly assured her that it wasn't her fault. He reminded her how Nick had been the one to enter the subway, get involved with the other creature and how he practically had forced Nick into carrying out that task at the factory. That would ease her worries to a degree, and she would manage to move on each time, but it never went away completely, which increased her feelings of missing Ether since he never would blame her for what had happened; he accepted it all.

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