The Smelly Resident

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Their feet pounded against the cement of the platform and into the hallway leading to the exit. The search was over, and they would have a chat with the blog writer once they were certain that they were safe. They would be leaving Delain that evening if they could. There was no point in staying except to warn the writer, who could alert the rest of the town. While that occurred, all four of them could disappear and lay low for awhile since Nick had no idea if the creature would pursue them past the town. Then again, the whole concept of the creature being in the subway still seemed odd to him.

He wasn't allowed to drift back into his thoughts as their race down the passageway came to an abrupt halt. Their flashlights shone ahead and saw what covered the floor. Deidre bent over and turned to the side, looking like she might expel all of her stomach contents, but nothing exited her, except a shaky breath. Chris froze to the spot and squeezed Ren's one hand tightly while he squeezed back. Nick, however, felt like he had gone back in time. The past killings of the creature were brutal, and the corpse before them was treated with no less amount of harshness.

Just barely, he could recognize the woman's corpse to be that of Daisy Calfisher's. Her bleached blonde and baby pink strands of hair still could be seen under the splatter of crimson, and her dark brown, almost black, eyes were cold and lifeless. Given the state of decomposition, it was a surprise that they weren't in worse condition. The sight of her, however, was atrocious. It was as though someone had sliced open her middle and ripped her insides out just to let them lie about in a haphazard manner. The fact that her mouth was wide open and missing the tongue only made the image all the more nightmarish. Daisy looked like some sick, rotting ragdoll, especially with how her remnants of her limbs were spread all about and in crazy directions.

"The smell ... We now know," Nick mentioned quietly as if that volume of voice would save them from who they were facing. Even if the subway possessed peculiar circumstances for the creature, there was no doubt in his mind that they were dealing with him. All of his team stared back to him, and the terror his eyes rained down on them. They all understood that they very well could die at any moment, and there was a slim chance that they would make it out of the subway alive. Nick, however, wiped away his fear and stood firm even if he wanted to shake and curl into a ball.

Cautiously, he stepped forward and closer to the body. His flashlight illuminated the maggot-free corpse more. Nick didn't understand why the creature had killed all of the insects, but it might've been simply to mess with them more. Chris hesitantly raised her flashlight down the hallway in case the creature was watching them, but there was no one at the end. At least, that's what she could view, but she wasn't certain. Nothing was guaranteed with the creature around; Nick had made that clear to them on multiple accounts in the past.

As Nick moved nearer to the body, he went to step around it, but he stopped when his ears caught something zooming through the air. Immediately, he dodged to his left as the missing left forearm and hand flew towards him. It zipped past and impacted the cement hard; the decaying flesh bursting upon collision. Deidre took several steps forward to avoid the putrid spray. While the others focused on the arm, Ren swiftly shone his flashlight down the tunnel, but there was no one there again. He didn't move the light, though. Rather, he kept it there in case the creature decided to throw something else.

Carefully, Nick tried again to move around the body, but another forearm and hand raced towards them. It landed close to the other one, and Ren narrowed his eyes since no one stood in the way of the light, yet the arm was coming from that direction. "He wants us to go deeper into the subway," Nick mentioned as he tried not to glare into the distance. Pissing him off only would cause more problems for them. "We head down here, and he might just attack now."

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