The Empty Report

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Water cascaded down from the faucet and into the porcelain sink below before it was occasionally caught by two hands and splashed upwards. Droplets of the liquid trickled down skin and joined the rest of the substance down below. Pitch black locks were soaked with it and pushed backwards while some of the strands spiked upwards in a haphazard manner. A hand reached out and switched off the water before the same hand retrieved the somewhat stiff white hand towel.

Drying off his face, he placed the towel aside while his dark brown, almost black eyelashes blinked off any remaining water. He opened his eyes soon after and rested both hands on the edge of the plastic counter, which was made to look like it was constructed out of marble. His eyes stared into the rectangular-shaped mirror, which was more like a sheet of glass glued to the wall. Outside of the bathroom, he heard a slight shift of movement, but his teammates weren't talking. They were memorizing the subway blueprints he already had committed to memory since last night nothing had happened out of the ordinary.

There had been one instance around two in the morning by Deidre's and his spot. They had heard rustling coming out from the subway entrance, and the vibration sensor had picked up footsteps. At the time, he only had been awake, and he cautiously had peered around the tree. With his night vision camera, he unfortunately only had seen a rat by the sensor. Well, they now had some idea of what other things might be down there. Then again, rats were to be expected in such places.

Other than that, other critters had examined their equipment before carrying on with their own tasks. Nothing else had come out of the tunnels, and none of the trigger objects had been moved either. Some of the animals that had spotted the objects had attempted to eat them, but they had dropped them soon after. Otherwise, the night had been clear, which meant that they would move into the subway with extreme caution. If the ghost or being could put people into a trance, it most likely was intelligent enough to stay clear of them and their equipment. Last night only gave more weight to that theory.

Pushing his hands off of the counter, he grabbed a comb and smoothed out his hair into the style he preferred. Once done, he ran his right fingers over the stubble on his face, but it wasn't too much at the moment. He would shave after their search into the subway. Complete with his morning routine, or rather afternoon since they all had slept through the morning and into the afternoon due to their investigation last night, he exited the small hotel bathroom and entered the main room.

In somewhat of the center of the room and towards the bed closer to the window, Nick noticed that they had positioned the desk there. Deidre and Ren sat across from each other while Chris sat on the bed and in the middle. They were all hunched over the table and reading the blueprints of the subway. Stepping over to them, he asked, "How are all of you holding up?"

Chris rested her chin on the palm of her left hand. "I think that I'll have it in another hour or two, but" she pointed with her right index finger, "we're bringing this with us, right?"

"We are, but we shouldn't rely solely on it. If we lose it, we need to know still how to get out of there. Those tunnels easily can become a maze even if they're not as complicated as others." All of them knew what he was referring to, and they understood that he had been lucky not to lose the map back then.

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