The Bleak Encounter

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


A dull, nagging pain steadily forced the owner of the headache to wake up. From her lips, a quiet groan escaped, and she shifted around a bit where she was presumably sitting. Things pressed into her clothes and skin from the ground, which only awoke her more. Slowly, her brown optics blinked open as a faint light overhead met them. She squinted against it, and her headache grew slightly at the new illumination. As she adjusted to the light, she recalled what had happened. Such memories intensified the headache and caused her heart to race.

She didn't give her eyes anymore time to adapt, and they opened widely. Quickly, she scanned her environment, only to regret moving so fast. Deidre tried to lift her right hand to her temples, but she discovered that they were bound behind her back. Her eyes moved to her legs, and she discovered that they were untied. At first, she thought that she was lucky until her stomach knotted. That creature wouldn't have left them untied on accident. He had something planned, and she didn't wish to imagine how horrid it would be.

Thankfully, she didn't look to be harmed physically, with the exception of the bump on the back of her head, but she had a feeling that wouldn't last forever. She couldn't hear soft footfalls nearby, though, and she didn't hear ... Wait, she did hear breathing, but it was quiet; it was in front of her. Steeling herself and pushing herself up against the wall to give her back better support and her eyes a better view, she stared ahead, and she felt all of her go cold with concern and trepidation. "No," she muttered out in disbelief. Across the tracks from her was ... (f/ ... (f/n).

The younger woman's arms were strung up by old electrical cables, which were wrapped around sturdy-looking pipes near the ceiling. Her head and torso were leaning forward while she rested on her knees. Currently, she was unconscious, but it was quite evident that she had gone through a number of torture sessions. (F/n)'s (h/c) hair appeared clean, but there were knots throughout it. No doubt, it hadn't been brushed for awhile or even combed, at least properly. It fell in a straggled manner around her face, but that was the least startling detail.

All over her body, there was a multitude of injuries, from bruises to scars to cuts. There was no grime on her visible skin, indicating that she probably had been bathing, but Deidre dreaded knowing how those baths occurred in such a dismal place with such tormenting company. On top of that, Deidre could tell that (f/n) had been receiving less than the proper amount of food since it seemed like she had lost more than a couple of pounds from the last time they had met. She felt her internals tighten too when she noticed that (f/n) only was in a pair of pink undergarments. A chill raced up her back, and she wondered how (f/n) wasn't shivering in her sleep.

Performing a swift check of the area, Deidre made sure that the creature wasn't in the area. She wasn't a hundred percent certain, but she didn't see or hear him, so she quietly began to struggle in her restraints. Deidre would've called out to (f/n), but talking to her right now wouldn't have done either of them any good. If anything, it might worry (f/n) and freak her out since she probably didn't expect to see her in the subway with her. What was more important was trying to free herself from the bounds so that she could set (f/n) free and get them both out of the subway, along with the rest of her team.

While she attempted to loosen the cables' hold on her wrists, her eyes viewed (f/n) again, and Deidre couldn't help but think of what Nick would do if he saw her in that state. It was hard enough for her to witness the tortured body of (f/n), and Nick was much closer to (f/n) than her. If she could, she would slip off her blue jacket and wrap it around (f/n)'s form so that she wouldn't be so bare to the cold climate.

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