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Re-readerers, do not and I mean DO NOT post spoilers. I will have Marienne hunt you down and visit your dreams with his gun.

"Some scars don't hurt. Some scars are numb. Some scars rid of you the capacity to feel anything ever again."- Joyce Rachelle

I ran.

My breaths came out in harsh pants, my lungs burned in protest, my body shivered as slow yet sharp staccato of pains shot throughout my body. The pain was numbing, yet it still felt like thousands of needles were being embedded into my skin again and again.

My skin broke out in cold sweat, both from the nausea from days of hunger and the adrenaline rush. The dreary cold winter night didn't calm me down.

Not even a little bit.

In fact, it worsened the pain I was feeling.

"Stop her!" A voice barked from the chasm of nothingness.


I tried to increase my speed. I was already running with all the might I had, but still I tried.

I didn't want to go back to them.

They hurt me.

My body protested, my feet wanted to stop. But I couldn't stop.

I knew, if I stopped, that man would kill me.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry. But I couldn't.

Because if I did they would hear me and they would find me.

My lungs felt as if it was on fire, dried tears that stained my cheeks itched like a nasty bug bite.The freezing winter wind stung my skin as I ran though the intimidating arbor.

At that moment, I felt helpless, I felt hopeless, but still I had to run to survive.

When the agony was becoming unbearable, I bought one of my hand to my mouth and bit down on it, so that the pain transfers to my hand.

My eyes stung as it became blurry....

And then, I started to cry.

Slowly but silently, so that they don't hear my screams of anguish.

I just closed my eyes and let my feet carry me wherever my mind was leading it. I couldn't see properly anymore because of the tears.

If I died, would I be able to meet my mommy?

Suddenly, I felt a sharp prick under my left toe as burning pain made it's way throughout my body. It was like a raging wildfire, destroying every single nerve in it's path....

My first instinct was to scream, let out my pain, but then I remembered that I couldn't scream.

I had to bear the pain.

So, I screamed in my hands.

My body was shaking and I couldn't move anymore. My howl of anguish was trapped inside my body.

I sat in the middle of the muddy road as I cried helplessly. My pink princess dress was soaked in mud. Musky smell of soil hit my nostrils and filled my soul as I awaited my death.

it was only then when I took account of my surroundings.

I was in the middle of a muddy highway. Tall, gigantesque trees stood neatly by the side of the road. They stood there like ghosts. they looked like lost wandering spirit of nature.

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