85: A Tragedy

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"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."

― Mark Twain

Rose's POV:

Have you ever had that feeling of a fluttering feather?

Like you were as light as the lucid ray of sun and you can carry yourself through the influx of the wind, travelling into the most unexplored cervices of earth.....

Like you could see yourself through the eyes of yourself and realize how miserable you were- you wanted to touch yourself, to comfort yourself, only to realize that you are a mirage of your mind and your existence.

Was I in a dream? Or was it real?

Whatever it was- it was so deceiving.

Like I knew I could feel pain and feel my heartbeat- but still, I was so numb that I couldn't.

A sound..... like the ringing of bells..... it was calling me.

It was floating into my ears, from far far away....

I felt as if, if I followed it- I would be able to reach my destination.

Why was I looking for my destination?

Was I stuck?

Was I wandering?

The sound started to get louder and louder until started to ring loudly within the abyss of my ears- beckoning me....

I felt light....

Then suddenly the ring started to morph into some meaningful phrases. Some words, some line, but most of it were blurry.

"What do you mean..."

"Can't you do anything..."

"....If we don't do this.... her life is in danger....."

Whose life is in danger?

Who were they talking about?

Then, just like the swiftness of light..... the sound disappeared, like disappearing into the deep sea.....


I was slowly regaining consciousness.

How I realized this, even I didn't know. It was more like a feeling, an insinuation.

Like I knew I had passed out and now I was slowly figuring out that this was the reality.

It was as if someone was spinning me round and round- and I couldn't get out even if I wished to.

I was trapped.

My heartbeat was so loud in my ears, like it would tear the insides of my head.

And then....

I felt it.

The feeling of another faint heartbeat inside me, it was missing.

The small heart I was so used to listening, so used to feeling.... it was missing.

My soul cried out in an unknown fear, I wanted to move and feel my belly just like I was used to every morning after I woke up.

But I couldn't move, as if my hands were made out of boulder.

Where is my baby?

I tried to fight the darkness that was surrounding me, cloaking me in it's cold abyss. I tried to cut my way through it.... but there was no way to go.

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