29.2: Renovatio

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Renovatio (Latin): Rebirth.

^ I love that word.

"Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn."

- Mahatma Gandhi

I am SO EXCITED for this chapter >:)

I am SO EXCITED for this chapter >:)

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Rose's POV:

What is this?

This place...

Feels so.... surreal.....


I was standing on a stony, narrow road. I couldn't feel anything, but I knew it was at the end of the autumn. Leaves of vermillion, red, orange and pink hue were scattered on the ground. A cool wind blew. I couldn't feel it, but somehow I knew it was cool.

The vivacious energy of nature was enthralling- mother nature sure took pride in her creation.

My eyes roamed around in the blur of the colors. I could see nothing, yet, I knew that it was a place I had known. It was an agonizing feeling. My vision halted over a shadow of a figurine and suddenly everything wasn't so blurry and faded anymore.

A statue of Venus De Milo stood before me, cupid was in her arms. She was facing me.

Her pose was stoic, so precisely carved, I could even see the small frown that was etched on her stony face.

If she was a creature of flesh and blood, she would have been glaring at me.

The thought sent a shiver down my spine.

I looked away and suddenly, the meadow melted into nothingness.....

The glaring blur of enmixed colours and hues...

And I felt a pair of eyes piercing my back....

"Rosel!" I jolted awake as I felt Calissa's hands shaking me violently.

Had I fallen asleep?

I rubbed my eyes, feeling knackered. The woolgathering thoughts I was constantly having led me to have these weird dreams.

No matter how much antidepressants I took, those dreams never went away. They showed up when I forgot my medicines, didn't when I took them, but they always stayed there, lurking in the darkest corner of my mind.

I blinked a couple of times and felt a yawn making it's way. Calissa now stood outside the passenger door, examining me with an unattractive frown.

"What?" I grumbled as I opened the door, letting myself out. The cool winter wind hit me, making me quiver.

"You look unusually pale," she stated as she eyed me, "Let's go inside. I think you have caught a flu."

I nodded and made my way through the shabby, stinky, underground garage. Calissa followed me, letting me on my own. None of us spoke a word as we walked in slow steps, the only sound that could be heard was the droplets of water hitting the muddy floor, constantly, in a slow rhythm.

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