Epilogue: The End of a Beginning

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"Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy."

― Walt Disney

Lucid mist hazed the restaurant window as the droplets of rain fell. The sky was as murky as an impending dusk- the cumulonimbus loomed over the city- as if concealing it from the sun, preventing the scintilla of light from entering the city.

The lucid rain soaked caligo wafted through the soul of the city in such a manner, it almost seemed chimerical, unreal, ethereal. A heavy shower was in cue.

Cars after cars sashayed past the restaurant, splaying sloshed water all over. Some had their headlights on, some didn't- yet all of them had one thing in common. They were in a bustle.

The raven haired beauty sat at the other side of the glass, taking in the cars with exhausted and gloomy eyes as she awaited her lover.

For her, rains were one of the most majestic phenomenon of the nature.

The restaurant stood at the side of a small but a busy road. They had moved it here two years ago. Since then, their business only increased and they were now one of the most famous restaurant chain in London- loved especially by the Spanish community.

The restaurant was bustling, clinking of vessels, the small chit-chats, the loud commands from the kitchen for the waitresses, yet, the intermingled sound of it was mostly relaxing.

She tightened her arms around her form, wrapping her red coat a bit more around herself. She seek the warmth of his arms, the coat was a mere illusion of it. Her ears hearkened nothing as the sound dissipated as empty, jumbled mess in the labyrinth of her ears.

Her mind wandered in a void, in a darkness that gave her light a sense of completeness. A darkness so beautiful, she could gladly lose herself in it. A darkness that resided in a man with a pair of gorgeous turquoise eyes.

"I have been calling you..." A voice broke her trance as she looked back at the person she called her mother.

A smile laden with guilt slowly crept up her lips as her eyes reflected the brilliant shine of the restaurant.

"Are you waiting for him?" The old woman asked, taking a seat beside her.

She nodded, feeling shy at the mention of him.

"Love does weird things to us..." She sighed, "I remember being in love. I still miss him."

The younger woman still looked at a distance, longing evident in her glimmering brown irises.

"We find love in the weirdest of ways...." The older woman sighed, "Sometimes our actions speak louder than our words."

"He will be returning today..." The younger woman whispered slowly.

"I know my child..." Her mother murmured, tucking a stand of her loose hair behind her ear, "I hope he has become a better version of himself. Isn't this the last session?"

She nodded, slowly being the quiescent she was.

"I haven't seen him for what... two weeks?" Her mother wondered as another car whooshed past them.

"A week," She corrected her, her eyes glued to the opposite sidewalk. Her heart fluttered like dry leaves of winter as she anticipated his return, "The final session."

The mother observed the restlessness swirling within the deep abyss of her eyes as they glittered with the warmth of her euphoria. The melodious euphony of her love sunken soul radiating of her, like an aubade.

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