7: Abducted

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****Trigger warning.***

"Many times I see you as a portrait of tortures"- Ira Glass.

Rose's POV:


That's all that registered in my mind.

Excoriating, burning agony.

Every single inch of my limbs hurt and throbbed like it had been beaten, again and again and again.


I licked my lips.

My mouth felt as dry as the Sahara desert, my lips hurt and the insides of my mouth felt numb.

I need water.

Prying my eyes open with difficulty, I blinked a few times. My vision was blurred and my insides felt hollowed.

"You are awake?" A raspy voice stated, making shivers crawl up my spine.

Through my hazy gaze, I saw a figure sitting in front of me. The figure was wearing black, it's legs were crossed and it had something it's hand.... something that shone like fire. It was only a figure, a vanishing voice, but still it scared me.

"You know, Rose," The menacing voice spoke up again, "I absolutely loathe people with dysania. And right now, you are making me loathe you more."

I tired to move my arms and legs, but no avail. They were numb and paralyzed, it was probably because of the drug he gave me to kidnap me.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP!" The voice bellowed, it's French accent dripping with venom.

I tried to move my neck, throw my arms in the air, but nothing. It was like an invisible force tying me down to the bed. I could feel, see a little, breathe, but I couldn't move.


A splash of water hit my face with it's force, making my upper body wet and cold. As if set on fire, my nerves immediately responded to the contact by jolting me awake.

I gasped for breath and moved my arms around, now fully awake. I could feel my captor's eyes on me as his fiery gaze scrutinized every single inch of my soaked body.

Why was it so hard to breathe?

I opened my eyes and took his form in. He was sitting at a sofa in front of the bed. Our eyes met and it felt like two ocean bodies colliding, both human but still separated by some sort of partition.

Even if he felt something for me, remorse, pity or whatever, he was extremely good at hiding his emotions. When I looked into his ethereal turquoise orbs that seemed to hold all the waters of the ocean, I found nothing but hatred, anger and fury.

He despised me and his expression screamed it in neon letters.

And then something dawned upon me like a lightening bolt.

I am in a bed!

My eyes widened and I tried to get out from there. I writhed and wiggled to set myself free. When I tugged at my arms, something sharp bit into my wrists. I gasped at the sudden contact with cool metal.

He handcuffed me?

Shock coursed through me, I just gaped at him.

He manacled me.....

I tugged at my wrists harder, hoping that it would just come out somehow. But the metal seemed sharp and my wrists got a nasty scratch due to all the tugging I did.

I yelped in pain and tears blurred my vision.

I will not become weak.... I will not become weak....

I continued struggling, but it seemed that the handcuff had me shackled and now I was caged.

The bastard had an amused expression, his smirk and relaxed form said all that. I now noticed the cigar he was smoking, it was held daintily between his long fingers.

"Done?" He rasped, his voice was like apricity to the coldness of my heart, but yet, it was everything but warm and welcoming.

"Why did you do it?" I whispered, "What did I ever do to you?"

He raised a questioning eyebrow and walked over to me, his steps as gauged as a hunter. He kept his eyes on me and so did I, I was willing to see how far would he take it.

How irrational can a person be.....

He stopped at mere inches away from the bed and brought his face near mine. Our nose almost touched and I could smell his intoxicating cologne from our proximity.

He twirled the cigar in his fingers as he spoke, "You took everything away....." he grasped my chin with his free hand and tilted it slightly. I shivered at the sudden contact, his hand was cold.

"You did it.... Didn't you, chaton? If you admit now-"

"I DIDN'T DO IT-" My statement was cut short as I was stumbled back by a rough hand. He pushed me on the bed with force and hovered over me.

Fear gripped my insides as I contemplated what he might do next.

He eyed me leisurely for a moment and then brought up the cigar in his hand, twirling it front of me.

A cruel smile danced on his face as he spoke slowly, "You know Rose, I don't like many things..." He trailed the back of the cigar on my exposed collarbone, "And being yelled at is one of those things...."

My throat closed up as the tears that I held back with so hardship, fell freely. "L-Let me go please!" I sobbed, "I didn't do anything!"

The monster just smirked and trailed the butt of the cigar on my neck.

"L-Look, I don't even know her!" I cried out, bursting into tears, "Please let me go! You won't hear from me ever again!"

I felt helpless, completely at the mercy of this demon. Terror was gnawing inside my stomach.

"And," he whispered again, trailing a finger down my tear streaked face, "I also don't like to be told what to do and what to not...."

Suddenly, a burning pain seared through my neck as I felt the skin there being burned.

I yelled in pain. "Stop please- Ah!"

Another staccato of pain shot through my collarbone as I sobbed and hollered.

He just pressed the ardent cigar harder on my skin, burning it more.

"S-Stop..." I begged through the pain and clenched my jaw.

Burning pain.....

After what seemed like an eternity, he took away the flaming object. I was a wailing mess, tears stained my cheeks and neck.

"This is just a preview, chaton..." he rasped, smirking cruelly, "It is up to you now. If you decide to be honest with me, I will probably go easy on you."

I just looked at him and cried, feeling helpless and devastated.

"And if you continue being like this, I will do those stuffs that you can't even imagine in your nightmare. I will break you, humiliate you, shatter you for forever.... And death will seem a lot better option when I am done with you."

With this, he strode through the door.

Bile rose inside me, making my insides churn. But what could I do?

I lied there, with my pain, and distress and completely at his mercy.

The pain on my collarbone became acuter as the time went, reminding me of my helplessness.

I tugged at my wrists a couple of more times but luck didn't favour me.

Sighing, I tried to calm myself down and think of an escape plan.

That psychopath will ruin me if I stayed here.

I had to get out of this place as soon as possible.

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