82: The Tormented Souls

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Snowpiercer is a masterpiece, how come I didn't know about this before?

If you didn't watch it, you should definitely do. It's amazing.

Two chapters were merged in this chapter.

82.1: The Vengeful Soul

"Some people are in such utter darkness that they will burn you just to see a light."

― Kamand Kojouri

Rose's POV:

The world felt like a mirage of grey and black.

It felt like an illusion, as if everything was going inside my head- yet the throbbing pain in my arms reminded me it was very real.

I existed. It was not a dream.

Dots of lights danced behind my eyelids. Like the lights of fireflies, dimming and shining.... constantly, like a dance of luminescence. A dance for summoning the preys, a glow that made my stomach knot.

What sickened me was that glow. A glow on finding true love.

True loves didn't exist, if they did, I wouldn't be this miserable.

For the first time I felt vehemence towards the universe.

It was unfair, how some people were free of any trauma or bad memories or pains and some people had to go through the worst of the experience.....

A breath escaped me. Everything was awfully silent. The sound of my heartbeat was too loud in my ears as it beat- continuously.

Lub dub.... lub dub.... lub dub.... lub dub.....

If I concentrated more, I could hear another heart that beat inside me. A heart so small, yet, it did beat.

A heartbeat matching mine, walking along with me, so that I don't get lost.

Another breath escaped me.

I was afraid, afraid that something might happen to me, to my baby. My pregnancy already in a critical condition, if it worsened-

I didn't want to think about it.

The deafening silence was starting to get to me, the sound of my heartbeat was growing annoying as time passed.

My eyes were bounded, so all I really had was my hearing sense. Instead of wallowing in my miseries, I chose to focus on the surrounding sounds instead, the sounds that could at east give me hint about my whereabouts.

The ruffling sound of leaves were the only sound I could identify, some hoots of owls followed and then a loud screech of tires resonated. A car had stopped somewhere nearby, for some reason, it gave me goosebumps.

"Hello?" A whisper ever so small left me. I was growing restless, I didn't take my medicines.

Anxiety could kill my baby, I had to keep my calm. I couldn't get a panic attack. Not now.

I wanted to tug at the ropes that had been biting into my skin, keeping me in place, but I didn't have enough strength for it. All I could hope was the person that kidnapped me would have a change of mind and would let me go.

"Hello?" I tried again, the silence getting to me. Now I understood why white prison torture was the worst torture to exist. Silence is the worst.

"I see you are awake," A familiar voice resonated throughout what seemed like an empty room.


It couldn't be!

"Lindy?" I voiced out my wonder. The tone of my voice did little to cover my disbelief, which, I assume, Lindy found extremely amusing because she chuckled menacingly.

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