51: Heimat

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"I'll be here when you get back."

― Ally Carter, Perfect Scoundrels

Heimat: A place you can call your home.

Rose's POV:


The city that inspired thousands of literary works and revolutions.

I had run away from that city, five months ago, with a heavy heart and a fear of a monster trailing behind me. Five months later, the primary subject of my fear and horror reappeared, somehow trying to amend back the broken pieces.

London was my birthplace. It hurt me to leave it behind.

When I tried to look into his attempts, his motives- nothing felt odd or out of the place. Marienne was behaving like a normal person, was looking genuinely guilty of his actions and I didn't know whether I could trust him or not.

I had pondered over my decision, again and again until my brain hurt and stomach grumbled, but- nothing seemed irrational or illogical.

If I was to lend him a small sanctuary in our son's life for the sake of humanity and the normalcy of the unborn's life, it was only logical for us to live together or at least stay closer. For a while I guess.

Yesterday, I told him that I was going to stay at my mom's for a while and then I was going to maybe consider staying with him. I just couldn't grasp the idea of going back to that mansion. He agreed, adding that he could visit me at the restaurant whenever he wished to; And I was to visit the mansion so that I can get more used to it.

The arrangement was satisfactory to both of us; I finally felt at peace that I didn't have to live with him. Not for now.

Who knew a night could turn my life upside down?

Then again, I could manage this pregnancy without his help. I managed it for five months, I can manage four more months. But he was offering me some of the greatest medical help.

And I couldn't deprive him of the rights to see his baby. It is against my ethics.

I sighed as I stared at the rain, unblinkingly. It was always raining. Not a sunny day.

But then again, I wasn't complaining.

I was a serious pleuviophilliac.

I couldn't even go out on mama's watch. And even Calissa is here; both of them together are like a double blast.

"Okay, pry tell me why are you smiling at the glass and leaning on the carton?" I rolled my eyes at Calissa's voice and lifted my head up from the box. I didn't realize thet I had been kneeling on the floor, hugging the box as I watched the rain dreamily.

"Shut up." I grumbled, my mood turning sour all on a sudden. My mood swings were more apt these days. I could go from happy to sad to angry to sleepy in a blink.

I felt her moving behind me, eyeing the materials I was going to take with me.

"Why not move into your mother's home?" She frowned as she inquired, "Why move into his? Seriously, that's a dumb move."

"Our arrangements changed-" I sighed as I folded a blue skirt and set it neatly at a corner of the box, "I am going to stay at my mom's for a time being. There is no reason for me to move in with him when both of us can recieve whatever we want by me staying at my old house."

She nodded, sitting beside me and lending me a hand to fold my clothes.

"When is he coming?" She asked after a short moment of silence.

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