Extra Chapter: Marise

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Because I promised.

Please keep in mind I have never written smut before this. If you can provide criticisms regarding it, it would be extremely helpful :)

**** Explicit details of amorous congregation. Do not proceed unless you are comfortable with smut.****

Enjoy ;)

"Our lips were for each other and our eyes were full of dreams. We knew nothing of travel and we knew nothing of loss. Ours was a world of eternal spring, until the summer came."
― Roman Payne,Hope and Despair

Mariennes POV:

On contrary to popular belief that is harbored about love and romance, I believe that love is more about ones trust and reliability on their partner rather than the love itself.

With the right person, the thorny, fire built path seemed like soft as petals- as if walking through a heaven.

The first 31 years I lived on this earth, was full of pain, demons, despair, hatred and mistrust. All those things that are vile, the things that poisons ones mind- the things that lured the monsters and intoxicates a mind to lure into doing the most crooked thinking.

Then a flower bloomed in the barren, dark forest- slowly spreading its branches and roots- to a point where it became a part of that forest, to a point where the leaves of the tress and the murmurs of the birds returned.

But that forest still had a dark corner to it, the demons that lived inside it, provoked it. The darkest part of me, everyone has one and I hadnt figured it out how to get rid of it quite yet.

Roseline Elinoitte Winslet came into my life like a drop of water, like heavy shower on a raging summer day- her soul filled the darkest part of me with light, she saw the scintillating light inside me and bloomed herself into my abandoned forest.

Now she was a part of me and I couldnt live without her. Without her, I was only a body drowning into the depth of my own darkness. She was here to save me and saving me she did.

We shared our small parts with each other- she tried to put my jumbled up thoughts into a meaningful sentences and I protected her from her fears.

Her fears of crowd, her fear of people and.

Her fear of being touched.

Words could not describe the intensity of the stab I felt in my chest each time I thought that I was a part of it. I had a play into it. It ruined me every time I thought about it.

She might have forgiven me, but I could never forgive myself for it, ever. The kindness she was showering me with, I didnt deserve it.

For the umpteenth time I queried, why is she with me? A monster?

Again and again she had reassured me that she was with me because I was the only person that made her feel safe in a twisted way- because I cared for her and she cared for me..

But still, I didnt trust her words.

I trusted her, but the words she uttered. my rational mind uttered that they were false, yet her eyes always assured me that she was sincere, they were, indeed true.

"Marienne!" I was snapped out of my reverie as my gaze fell on the book that was held in my hands, the words became clearer. Why did I drift off to my world of make-believe, I did not know.

I was at the dimly lit library of my Parisian mansion, with a book held in my hands, contemplating my trust issues, again.

A sigh escaped me as I closed the book and kept it aside, taking off my glasses.

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