3: Enigmatic Fear

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Rose's POV:

"Of course, what's wrong may I ask?" I queried, inspecting her face for something unusual.

"Nothing," she uttered as a sad, almost cryptic smile made it's way on her face, "The restaurant is crowded a bit and Tina informed me that a very wealthy man has booked his reservation in the place. He was so nosy! And so annoying! He was asking which glass cleaner do we use! Can you believe that?!"

My jaw dropped open.

Who does that?

"And he also said that he wanted everything in it's place, he was barking orders like he owned the place. He seemed a bit paranoid."

I narrowed my eyes as sparks of anger slowly began to shot inside my body.

Who the fuck did the man think he was?

If you don't like our restaurant just get the fuck out of there.

"What is he?" I seethed, my fists clenching, "Fucking god?"

"Rose," Mama narrowed her eyes as she hit lightly on my back with the rolling pin, "At least respect your mother and don't curse in front of me."

I huffed, I barely cursed but some people tended to grate on my nerves.

Rolling my eyes, I let myself out of the bed, "Whoever this god is, we will make him eat his words. He is so gonna regret it."

"Just don't go near him," Mama sighed as she watched me brush my teeth, "He is a Victor."

My eyebrows scrunched as I met her eyes through the mirror, "The Victors?"

She nodded.

"Why would Victors come to our restaurant?" My voice was muffled as I looked back at her, "They're rich and super snobby. They don't eat in local eatella."

"I don't know why..." She sighed as she shook her head, "I guess we have to make the decorations extra fancier for him. Think of the bright side Roseline, like I taught you, maybe it can help our restaurant and we can open that branch we always wanted to."

My blood boiled but I only nodded, not wanting to think of the elusive yet enigmatic Victors, a family that had their influence all over the London.


It wasn't long before I arrived at the restaurant along with mama. I was dressed in my best waitress outfit which fitted my body like a perfectly embroidered glove and my hair was tied up in a ponytail. I draped over the long black woolen coat over my body and secured myself with a shawl around my neck.

"The VIP should be here for the second sitting," mama mumbled as we entered the restaurant. It was freezing outside, thankfully, it didn't snow all that much last night- otherwise, it would have been a problem. The restaurant was now almost empty, indicating that the first sitting was over.

I fidgeted with the hem of my dress as I took in the guests, most of their posture were relaxed, which made me content. We only served the best food to our customers.

I smiled at the waitresses as they took orders, observing everything. My eyes drifted to a couple that was sitting around the corner with their child who was smearing sauce all over his face.

A sad smile lit up my face as I took in their perfect family.

If only I had a better family.

I had mama but....

"Roseline," Tress' voice snapped me out of my reverie, "Did you arrange the flowers?"

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