19: The Falsehood

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"I lie to myself all the time, but I never believe me."- S.E Hilton, The Outsiders.

Marienne's POV:

A feeling of disgust....

A feeling that is so grotesque...

A feeling that is vile and filthy.....

She kept crying and crying. The louder her cries got, the louder my demons laughed. At a point, I couldn't even hear my own voice anymore.

All that I could hear was the sounds of her heart wrenching wail mingling along with my monster's laughter.

I clenched my fists.

After that night, when I saw those men touching her, something inside me changed.

I felt vile, disgusting.

The vein in my neck hurt, I was beginning to see red, but still I contained myself.

Somewhere, from within her chaotic wail that shook the very core of my soul, I heard a child. A small child desperately seeking for warmth and safety.

She killed Madeline!

That reptilian, demonic voice shouted in my ears, deafening me, stealing me away from her cries of plea.

I should be happy, I should be happy because she was crying, because she was suffering.

But I wasn't happy.

A whisper of a painful sensation crept up from my temple, slowly making it's way towards my frontal lobe.

I wasn't happy to make her suffer, it was as if I was missing something.

Another gasp of sob escaped her as she struggled to breath. Her alabaster skin was red, her hands quivered from her cries.

I felt like laughing.

She cries over something that is her doing.

She killed her and she is crying.

She was wailing like a helpless child, a hopeless child.

My skin crawled in disgust.

A human that is so cruel, cruel enough to kill a pregnant woman and then cry over her death.

My monsters were surfacing, slowly permeating me with their rotten smell, engulfing me in a haze of turpitude.

I felt like I was drowning, the barely existent pain was beginning to spread.... from my frontal lobe, to my pons, medulla oblongata and then slowly covering my brain in it's agonizing blur.

Her cries slimed down. The wails turned into sobs and then a melodious keynote of her suffering. And then, she became completely silent.

Tears cascaded down her reddened cheeks, adorning them in their diamond like regality. Her lips trembled, her hands were clasped tightly. It was, as if, she was experiencing pain.

But she wasn't.

My insanity bubbled up seeing her like this.


The pretentious demonic voice roared with fury. I started breathing heavily.

Beads of cold perspiration started to form on my forehead. I focused on breathing.

"She killed Madeline..."


"Torture her..."

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