23: The Aftermath

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"But a mermaid has no tears, and therefore she suffers so much more."

― Hans Christian Andersen, The Little Mermaid

Rose's POV:

I was woken up by a harsh jolt.

A cold hand touched my shoulder, daintily, scared almost. All I could hear was the constant murmur, the rumbles of voices. The annoying sounds weren't loud but they did sound like they were screaming.

My head was throbbing, my body felt numb.

A last night..... A voice at the back of my mind whispered, making me shiver.

The obnoxious murmurs ceased as I tried to shift on the comfortable bed. I felt warm.

".....Can you hear me...."


My eyelids weighted pounds. I struggled as I tired to open them.

A blur form of a lady greeted me as I opened my lids slightly. I blinked, as I tried to focus my vision.

Lindy was sitting beside my beaten form, leaning over me. A frown was etched on her face, her eyes shone with tears.

She observed me. One of her hands came up, gently caressing my head. I only stared at her.

"Is Marienne telling the truth?" I whispered.

She nodded, her own tears falling.

She grabbed my cold hand, gripping it firmly. She leaned her head on our joined fists and cried.

"Dear- Marienne-" She choked out through her sobs, her voice hoarse and broken in a manner that indicated hours of crying and screaming.

"Marienne- he tried to commit suicide-"

An unfamiliar feeling blossomed inside me like a flower in a secluded, waterless desert. What was it, I didn't know.

Was it pity? Or was it melancholy?

I wanted to be sad for him, but then again, he has done things to me that could never be justified.

But he is ill.....

"When?" A whisper came out, it took my foggy mind a while to process that it was me.

"Th-This morning-" She sobbed loudly as she spoke, "After he-" A loud sound of gulp was heard as she took a deep breath, "After he- went out from your room- he took his medications and then- when he came back to his senses- he went over to the balcony and-"

I closed my eyes, not knowing how to feel.

He detested himself, like me.

For letting something happen that shouldn't have happened in the first place.

"He did this out of guilt.... and when the doctors took his blood sample, it was ridden with heavy drugs, aphrodisiac."

I detested him but yet I couldn't help but feel bad for him. He is cursed with this incurable disease and now-

I still loathed him.

It felt like a miracle, I could think rationally, I could still breathe and not have a panic attack. In my case, my panic attacks always came later. My mind would help me escape the bitter reality first and then it itself would become handicapped to the memories.

But for how long would I be able to hold up?

A nauseating feeling of disgust crawled inside my skin, it felt like something was running to and fro inside me.

"Dear! Are you okay?" She asked, her voice full on panic mode.

"Here have some water!" I took the glass of water from her hands. I gulped it down in one go, regretting not realizing how much I needed it before,

I was tired, fatigued and dehydrated.

I was back to square one from where I had commenced my journey for healing.

I wanted to meet my mama.

"Dear-" Lindy's voice snapped me back to reality, "You have to take a shower. Can you help yourself up? the doctor came and checked on you..."

How long had I been out for?

On cue my eyes fell on the window, the birds flew around.


Her hand touched mine. I stared at the conjoined hands and raised an eyebrow, questioning her silently.

"Dear please take a bath..... But before that finish these foods."

I accepted the foods she offered. The sound of munching echoed in the silent room as I ate them, as much as I could without vomiting anyway, I wasn't in the mood for eating.

After that, she offered me medicines. I took them with gratitude and had them.

They will keep the pain away.

She nodded with a sad smile and excused herself. On her way, she left a black bag.

Must be clothes.

I took the covers off my body. The scars on my abdomen, the raw whip mark mixed with my stretch marks, travelling to my knees and the disappearing under the covers.

Whimpering, I sat up, my muscles burned as they contradicted. Cool air hit my naked body, making me shiver.

Why was I so calm?

My legs felt like they were floating as they took me to the bathroom. They felt like jelly.

A warm bath was already prepared, must be Lindy. I chose to ignore it and picked up the hand shower. The warm water hit my battered skin, making a howl of agony escape me.

It felt like someone was burning me alive.

I whimpered as I trailed the hot water spay to my legs, my shoulders, my abdomen. Just how many times did we do it last night?

The memories was distinct, yet I could remember our joined bodies as both of us groaned from ecstasy, raw, animalistic lust.

My body went numb as guilt tore through me.

How funny skin games are! Either earth shattering pain or numbness.

I settled myself in the bath, sobs still pouring down from my chest. The soothing warm bath water calmed my raging nerves.

I sighed as I leaned back to the cold tiles. Tears never ceased, they just died down.

My soul screamed as I cried, siting there.

I want to go back....

I want to live like a normal person.....

A loud knock interrupted me. I looked at the open door, only to find Lindy standing there with her own tears and a towel in her hands.

I nodded as an indication of accepting her help.

She helped me out of the tub, wrapped me in the towel and helped me walk to the room.

Why do I feel this numb?

Does Marienne feel like this too?

Does he feel numb too, for sleeping with someone he loathes?

She sat me on the bed and dropped a bundle of clothes on my lap. I only looked at her blankly.

Her eyes held hesitation, a question was roaming in it.

I sighed. "Go away please." My voice was heavy with tears.

"Please listen..." she rushed out the words quickly, "I will help you escape tonight, you have beared enough."

"But what about the person that administrated drugs?"

"They will be found..." She said firmly, "And when they are, Monsieur won't leave them alone."


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