11: Gruesome

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"The wound is the place where the Light enters you."

― Rumi

Rose's POV:

My whole body froze as my mind went completely blank. Lindy also stiffened, the colour that her cheeks held a moment before due to the shame, drained, making her skin resemble a pale white paper.

I clenched and unclenched my fists. My anger vanished into thin air as pure fear and fright filled me.

Marienne was a cruel man. The fact that he wasn't normal made things worse. At the moment, he resembled a cold blooded murderer. The pains and sorrows he had already inflicted upon me, made things far worse.

I was pretty sure if this kept going on, my past will come back to haunt me. My nightmares will comeback, worse than ever before and I didn't want to go back to that raging flare of an inferno.

That monster terrorized me. And if I broke down, nothing would be able to help me.

I was thinking normally at the moment, but if my panic attacks and flashbacks came back.....

My head spun and I closed my eyes.

I didn't have any control on my mind. I was living in a zephyr of emotions and my mind didn't know how to deal with this.

No matter how much I tried to make myself understand that those monsters won't come back, those demons won't come back, deep down I knew. I knew that they would probably come back and shatter me into pieces if anything triggers them.

I was trying my hardest to control myself.

But Marienne was making my patience run thin.

I opened my eyes and cautiously took a peek toward the devil through my blurred vision. I felt Lindy's warm hand squeezing my cold ones reassuringly. I looked at her and saw her wearing a melancholic smile.

I begged her with my gaze and I was pretty sure that she could read it.

Don't go.

She looked at Marienne sternly and spoke, "Fils, nothing happened here. You should go, cher."

I looked up at Marienne and our eyes locked.

His surreal turquoise eyes were a brume of many emotions. Fury, disgust and determination were the ones I could only decipher.

He looked intimidating and haughty, his posture rigid, frozen. He looked eerily calm.

From some reason, his calmness disturbed me and gave me goosebumps. I knew that it was the silence before storm. It was an indication of his upcoming outburst.

I gulped, trying to make as less movement as I could. His scotching gaze seemed to set my whole body ablaze. I felt cold terror gnaw at me.

Cold sweat formed under my palms as I gazed into his eyes. Those dangerous pair of eyes had such a frightening effect on me, I could see 'crazy' written in bold letters in them, it made me scared..

His appearance and his personality were the complete opposites. He looked divine, like some creature out of heaven yet his conduct was loathsome, abhorrent and inhuman, something straight out of the pit of hell.

My breaths became pants as I waited for his next move. I saw his fists clenching and unclenching, as if he was trying to keep his anger at bay.

"You- Madame- You are supporting this murderer? The same person who murdered l'amore?"

"She is not a murderer Marienne" Lindy whispered, looking at him with disapproval, "Le fiston, this woman can be innocent. You will harm an innocent?"

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