Chapter 6

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Walking beside Kendo on our way to school, she was telling me about the different people in her class and their quirks but I was being a bad friend and wasn't listening to her. Could you blame me though? The secret that I and my mother had kept since my birth could come out from a very loud mouth boy. Yesterday I was too scared to face the truth that someone had seen my flare-up, I needed time to think about what I had to tell him. Last night, I had stayed up till 4 in the morning trying to come up with a lie but nothing would make sense.

I needed to speak to him quick before he told anyone else.

Peering back at Kendo, I could see her smiling unaware of my panicked state. I hated lying to her but I promised my mum but then again if I did tell her it wouldn't be the first promise I would be breaking. Not that I break all my promises it's just I need to control my fire quirk so I have no more flare-ups and now this one.

Kendo stopped suddenly making me look up from the ground to where she was staring, outside of our school was a crowd of reporters grabbing ahold of Kendo hand and pushing our way through so neither of us would get separated from each other. We made it past the U.A gates and as we were walking towards the school's building, my eyes connected with fiery red ones causing me to let out a sigh. I guess we are gonna have this talk now.

"I gotta go sort some stuff out Kendo so I'll see you later" waving goodbye to her and going towards Bakugo. "Hey," I said with a low voice.

"We need to talk" I nodded my head before he leads us to the side of the school where no one could see us. "Did you tell anyone?" I rushed out before he could say anything.

"You told me not to so I fucking didn't, I'm a trustworthy guy," He said with confidence while I just looked at him. No offence but I barely know him and what I do know about him is bad. Ignoring his statement we stood in silence until he got annoyed at it.

"Are you fucking ready to explain what happened yesterday or are we just gonna fucking stand here until class starts"

Damn and I thought we could and forget this ever happened, guess not. Taking a deep breath I began my explanation "I have two quirks" his face remained the same so I guess he had already figurated that out. "My quirk is called wild-fire, I have a nature quirk and a.." looking in his eyes and whispered "fire quirk." Maybe I didn't have to tell him the whole truth since maybe people have fire quirks but then again not all those people look like him.

"Are you Endeavor daughter?" Tears began to threaten to fall "p-please don't tell anyone" I stuttered to say it. If people knew the truth of my parents, I don't know what would happen to me and my mum. His face said it all, he didn't understand what would happen if people knew. What Endeavor would do to me and my mum?

"You know that Shoto is Endeavor son?" He nodded. "Well, I don't have the same mum as Shoto. Endeavor cheated on his wife while she was pregnant"

"Why the fuck would it affect you" More tears began to come as he started to panic and didn't know what to do.

"Because when he found out my mother was pregnant he wanted me dead" I cried out at the hard truth. I tried to be strong that I didn't care about him but how could my father not want me.I remember the day my mother told me about the harsh reality. It was a nightmare that I had occurred to me more than once.

"Mummy," my child-self said to my mum as we were walking home after she came to get me from school. "Yes dear," she said with a bright smile on her face.

"Why don't I have a daddy? Did he die cause he was a hero? I wanna be a hero" I didn't notice my rumbling was making my mother angry by the moment.

"He didn't want you," I thought I had misheard her, I thought that my mother wouldn't say the words to me "huh?"

"He didn't want you and never will" and that was the end of the conversation. One thing I loved about my mum was that she never lied to me. She told me the truth no matter how harsh it was.


Then years later when I had figurated out who my father was, I walked into the main room to see my mother making food when I asked her. "I know who my father is"

She turned to me letting out a sigh, "so you got his quirk as well, this is gonna be harder to hide from everyone else" she knew I was smart.

"Why didn't he want me?" She grabbed my hand and lead us to the sofa where we sat down but she never let go of my hand. "He has a reputation to uphold and a whole family far from here." I started to get angry.

"Did you even tell him that you were pregnant?" I shouted at her for the first time in my life. "Yes I did dear, I showed up at his house begging him to be in your life. He refused and gave me money to get an abortion. to get rid of you." tears just kept leaving my eyes. I couldn't believe it my own father had wanted to get rid of me. He wanted me to die than rather be in my life. He didn't want me and from that day on I didn't want him either.

Bakugo kneed down beside me hugging me as I cried into his shoulders, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I had always wanted a father but never got one. No matter how many times I said I didn't. I wanted one. That's the wish I had always wished for when I blew the candles on my birthdays.

"(Y/N), you don't need that shithead of a father. You don't need that fucking family. If they didn't want you then fuck them" I looked at him as he spoke the words that I need to hear. "Don't worry I won't tell any of them fucking shits" I nodded my head in his shoulder.

"Thank you, Bakugo," I whispered before hugging tightly and when we separated our faces were close together as if we were to kiss. I don't know if my teary eyes were deceiving me but we were before slowly closing our eyes moving closer before the school bell went off meaning it was time for class.

We both let go off each other quickly before rushing to class with both our faces red. Bakugo went in first but I stayed outside for a bit before grabbing my mirror to check my face to see if I looked like I had just cried and if my cheeks were still burning red. Before entering class and sitting down.

Everyone was talking about the reporters outside and as I made eye connect with Bakugo I instantly looked away as my face once again light up with a tint of pink.

Was I really about to kiss him? No way. No, I don't like him, I was just vulnerable at that moment. Yes. But then why was my heart fluttering. Ughhhh

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now