Chapter 56

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Hey guys,

I have finished writing this book but don't worry you guys are nowhere near the end. I decided to write ahead so I would have some time to relax before starting a new fanfic and to finish off Aqua, however, I have posted all the chapters until then end on my Patreon. If you buy the Pro-hero tier for $3 then you can read all the chapters until the end of the Hidden flame. It's up there now.

My Patreon is on my profile but if you need any help don't be afraid to message me or leave a comment here :)

Also, a new chapter of aqua is out :)

No one answered the door which probably might they weren't expecting anyone to show up. Who was that?

We all stood frozen staring at the door, however, that wasn't where the would enter as a person smashed through a wall and it was none other than the number one hero. All Might. Behind him stood other heroes ready to fight the villains, letting out a breath that I've been holding in since I first got here.

Everything was gonna be fine now, don't worry mum I'll be home soon.

Before any of the villains could do anything, Kamui Wood's used his quirk trapped them in his wood. Standing in my place watching everything unfold as I felt the tears escape my eye's, they all came to save me. Falling to the ground on my knees as I soon found it hard to breathe as more tears dropped to the ground.

"For we are here" All Might's voice brought comfort to my sobbing mess as I lifted my head from the ground to stare at him, smiling brightly. If I'm gonna be a hero I need to stop being afraid, wiping my tears as All might held his hand out helping me stand up.

"Thank you" I mumbled to him as I watched the members of the villains try to figure out a way to get out of this mess. All Might put his large hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner, just by doing that I was slowly gaining back my confidences but I don't know how long it would last.

"(Y/N)" Hearing someone call out my name but I didn't want to turn around. I know that voice, it was him. Why was he calling out to me? Stop it go away, I can't be near you otherwise I don't know what will happen.

I'm a monster because of you.

All Might turned around to look at the bastard and I could feel the rage inside begin to grow but it stopped when All Might called out to him. "Everything is fine over here. Stay there." Not saying anything to him but instead thanking him in my head.

I want to be a hero like All Might, someone who gives the people confidence and comfort just by being there. When I become a pro-hero I want to be someone who can smile brightly with no fear to be seen so that the people I save can depend on me.

Listening in to the conversation between the villains and the heroes, I noticed something strange. When the pro-hero Edge Shot called out all the name of the members of the league of villains, he never said Dabi's. Staring at Dabi as he hanged in the air still confined by Kamui Wood.

Who are you?

Suddenly, Shigaraki started freaking out, two portals opened beside him and out appeared two revolting nomu. All Might instantly shove me behind him, protecting me from the danger ahead. Staring at the scene in shock as more and more nomu came out of the patrol.

"All Mig-" I tried to scream out for help as this black stuff poured out of my mouth. I couldn't breathe. All Might tried to reach for me but soon the black liquid consumed me, teleporting me somewhere else. Away from my the only chance, I had to get out of this.

Falling to the ground in the middle of a destroyed building, it looked like a wasteland but that wasn't the problem. "Where am I?" I mumbled to myself before I felt an aura that caused my soul to shake. Looking up but not leaving my place on the ground as I was paralyzed by fear. I need to move, if I don't I'll end up like the building around me. My body won't move.

I know he was the one who did it, I could feel his power. He was someone who could match All Might's power.

There was a sound heard to the right of me but it was probably some of the rumbles that this man had caused. "I'm sorry (Y/N)" shocked as I stared at the man in front of me as the rest of the league of villains showed up and no hero in sight. I was once again alone facing some of the most dangerous villains.

Watching the interaction between the mysterious man and Shigaraki, he must be the real mastermind behind all of this and he was just letting Shigaraki have a turn at being a leader.

All Might I need you! I screamed in my head as I was frozen on the floor before I was pulled away from the man by Dabi. What is he doing? Down came All Might clashing with the mastermind. He could withstand All Might's strength but I knew All Might could win because he's the number one hero. He will win, right?

This guy was crazy strong, with one move of his arm and a row of buildings were destroyed. The number of casualties would probably increase as this guy uses his power. How can he just do that? Taking so many lives and not feel anything. He did it so effortlessly.

Worried for All Might as I saw him come out from the cloud of dust to see him standing strong but he looked straight at me, making sure I was safe. Oh no, I was pulling him down, I needed to get to safety.

I needed to help All Might as I watched the other members of the league rush to him but I stopped them with a wall of fire. Pausing their movement as the looked at me and began to run at me, however, what was strange was Dabi didn't make any move to attack instead stood there observing.

Wrapping my vines around the blonde girl as she tried to throw things at me, I need to create more distance between us. Opening my mouth as I felt the familiar heat rising up my throat before fire spat from my mouth going to the others direction. Jumping away from them but soon I clashed with someone.

Turning my back to caught eyes with Dabi but before I could jump away from him. Dabi stretched his arm but instead of attacking me, he used his blue flames as a curtain to cover us from the others. Grabbing ahold of my wrist and held them behind my back to hold me in place, whispering in my ear. "Come with me, I'll take you to safety but after we talk about that demon of yours."

He was giving me an escape but he wasn't the only one as I saw my friends in the sky. Katsuki roared out my name with his hand held out, seeing my brother up there as he looked down at me again with those hopeless eyes.

Katsuki stared at me in desperation to get me back to him but looking back at Dabi as he still held me in my place. Dabi had the answers I've been looking for and he might even know how to get rid of it.

Who should I choose?

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