Bonus Part 2

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Standing in front of the door where our life who change forever, mum would finally have the man of her dreams and I would have the father figure I've always wanted. Did I mention that mum started singing again? Shouta encourage her to chase her dream again, and she was doing great, he helped her gain followers. Soon she would perform in front of an audience, and we would be there to cheer her on.

Mum supported me of becoming a hero so I could only support her back. I truly believe she was going to be something someday.

"Ready?" Kendo asked both of us, nodding our heads as the wooden double doors opened wide. It was a beautiful sight to be seen, I knew I designed it with the help of mum and Kendo, but I couldn't help but tear up a bit.

At the end of what seemed like a long road, Shouta was waiting for the love of his life. I guess to mum she had been on a long journey and now she could finally settle down, but then again her singing career was only beginning.

Next to Shouta stood was his childhood friend Present Mic and the famous retired pro-hero All Might. I felt terrible everything I looked at him in his weakened form; my heartstrings would pull hard. Everyone knew it was my fault for the number one hero to end up like that, but no one ever said it to me. However, I could see it on their faces while I was in public.

Glancing to the side to spot Kirishima with his thumb up and next to sat my two most important boys: Katsuki and Shoto. Sitting behind them was Katsuki's parents which my mum had grown close to his mum; she even joined us when we went dress shopping with us.

Focusing my eyes on Katsuki as the nervous disappeared, he always seemed to calm me down. But what distracted me was the suit he was wearing, he looked so good. Very handsome. Blushing, as a particular thought, came to mind but quickly scolding myself for even thinking of that right now.

Eventually, we arrived at the altar where I would give mum to Shouta, but it was like I couldn't let go of mum. It's not that I didn't want her to be happy; it's just it had always been us two. We were a team, and now there would be someone else.

"Honey, you can let go now." Looking up at mum as she gently wiped away a tear. Kendo was going to kill me. "(Y/N) I'll take good care of both of you, I'm not stealing your mum but rather both of you" Shouta joined in as he wiped the other tears. Beaming as I let them both go off to get married finally. Standing behind mum with Kendo as bridesmaids, my eyes wander through the waves of people finding Katsuki staring straight at me before giving me a tiny wink. This boy was something else, one small wink and suddenly I thought I could take on the world.

The wedding had now ended, and it was a beautiful ceremony, everyone came up to mum and now my official stepdad, but personally, I like the term dad better.

"Congratulations mum and dad" smiling brightly at them as I saw tears threatening to come out of Shouta's eyes. "I told you" mum laughed as she pinched the side of his arm. I guess they had some kinda bet about if I would call him that or not. "Thank you for treating me like your daughter even if we aren't blood-related" bowing to him as I sneaked a glance at mum wiping tears away from her new husband's face.

Everyone moved to the wedding reception, where the real party began. All the guests stood around the dance floor, waiting for the couple's first dance. Standing next to Katsuki as he held my hand tightly, everyone watched them dance before suddenly they stopped halfway and came my way.

This wasn't planned. Feeling panicked as I wasn't prepared for this but with both their hands reached out to me, a sense of warmth came over me. Letting go of Katsuki as I was embraced by my new family that was growing and maybe one day mum would get pregnant again. We danced together until the song finished, both mum and I laughed due to the lack of Shouta dance skills even though he took lessons without mum knowing.

Soon everyone joined us on the dance floor, and I was lured away by none other than my boyfriend. He held me close as he leaned into my ear "finally, got you in my arms" giggles as he rested calmly on my shoulder. "What can I say I'm a busy girl" feeling his warm breath fan my exposed neck.

"You look fucking beautiful, can't believe you are mine" he mumbled into my neck as I smiled softly. "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Shut up" he mumbled, guess someone gets embarrassed being complimented. The song came to an end before someone tapped me on the shoulder "go away half and half." Pushing off Katsuki before he took away of my hand pulling me further away from my boyfriend "I thought you approved of him" questioning him as we stood still on the dance floor.

"I do, but I wanted to have a dance" he glanced to the ground feeling a bit embarrassed as I took a glance at his rosy cheeks. "You are too cute Shoto" giggling as I grab his hands as we begin to dance to a slow song. "(Y/N), you are the one who looks cute" blushing as he spoke so bluntly to me. That was the first compliment I had ever gotten from Shoto.

Once again the song had finished, finding Katsuki through the crowds of people was something I was good at. Watching him as he spoke to his best friend but would never admit it, but before I could even walk over there, I was dragged further away from him once more.

"My turn, little sis." Looking up to see Natsuo beaming down at me, all the Todoroki siblings cleaned up nicely. Glancing to the side to see Shoto dancing with Fuyumi.

Natsuo and I might have gotta of the wrong foot, but now we are closer, one thing that we bond over is memes. Shoto doesn't get it, but Natsuo does. We have the same humour, and when we are together, all you can hear is laughter. Especially now as even though the other two Todoroki siblings can dance perfectly, it seemed that gene never got pasted to him. Laughing as he reminded me of my new dad's dance moves.

Finally, I was finished dancing and could have a rest. Spotting Kirishima and Katsuki sitting at their table before sneaking behind Katsuki and loosely wrapping my arms around his neck. "Hey, handsome" I mumbled quietly into his ear so Kirishima couldn't hear.

"I'm gonna get a drink, (Y/N) want anything?" nodding my head well Katsuki shakes his. "Water, please, I'm so exhausted," I said before he disappeared into the crowd as I stole his seat. "Everyone's always fucking taking you away. is it too much to just have my girlfriend to myself?" He complains as my fingers lace into his.

"When it's our wedding, I won't let anyone, have you. I'll have you all to myself" laughing at his possessive side, but I loved that about him. At least I knew he wanted to marry me and he was thinking about our future together. I was worried that he might not be thinking ahead like me.

For nearly the rest of the night, I stayed by Katsuki until it was time for speeches. I was the last one on the list to write out mine, and I was nervous, I knew everyone was going to be expecting a lot since I am the daughter.

The list was: Present Mic, All Might, Midnight, Kendo, Fuyumi and lastly me. Fuyumi was up now, she spoke about the small amount of time she spent with mum, but it felt like she had known her forever. She talked about how mum treated her and her brothers like mum's children; they never felt out of place when they came over.

Mum was indeed the kindest woman out there, and I hoped to be like her when I was older.

Fuyumi sat down, and everyone's eyes were on me, Katsuki squeezed my hand before letting me go in the centre of the room. I felt scared of being in front of so many people, but it wasn't that scary if I just stared at mum and imagined I was having a one to one conversation with her. She gave me one of her encouraging smiles before I took in a deep breath.

"A single mum raised me, and even though some may look at me with pity in their eyes that I never had the experience of both parents. I was happy with that because my mum was both a mum and a dad in one. She taught me to believe in myself and to always chase after my dreams. My mum was always beside me through everything; she was my shoulder to cry on when times were hard; she was my everything." wiping away the tears that were coming down as the memories from the sports festival flashed through my mind.

"There is so much I want to say about the woman who made me into the strong girl I am now, but words are not enough to express the unconditional love that I have for my mum." My eyes never left mum's eyes as we were both a crying mess.

"I just have one more thing to say, mum, thank you for being my anchor in this stormy ocean that is my life." Mum immediately stood up and rushed towards me. Holding me close to her as if I was still a little girl, "you will always be my baby girl forever and always."

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