Chapter 23

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I'm gonna try and write more often so my schedule will be weird.

Drifting in the darkness as memories of today flash in my mind like a movie. Shoto's face appeared but soon faded away to then show Katsuki face. He wore the same irritated face when I was telling him my reason to why I wasn't going to use my fire but of course, that selfish boy didn't wanna listen.

I know him and I know how he's feeling now. The amount of time I've spent with him and how he just wants to be number one and be the best he could possibly be and now he won and I didn't even go all out. It was like a cheat to win for him. He doesn't feel like it's a real win.


Siting up straight with my eyes now open looking around for what caused the booming noise that disrupted my sleep. There sat Kendo on the seat next to me looking worried as ever. "Ugh that boy, I don't even know why you like him," she spoke softly as she looked up at me.

"Huh?" confused as to what she was talking about I looked around for Katsuki but he wasn't there and even though I knew why I had just hoped we would be okay and he would be here telling me everything's okay.

"Bakugo just left, he's getting ready for the award ceremony" looking down at my hands to see I was all healed up and there were no burn marks. "Congrationlats on getting second even though it didn't go how you wanted it to. What happened anyways" she reached out to grab mine as I told her what had happened not leaving anything out.

"WHAT? THAT BASTARD I'M GONNA BEAT HIM UP" she roared as she enlarged both of her hands and clashed them together as if ready to go cause a fight.

"Stop, you can't do that and anyway it's my problem I don't wanna involve you too" hastily deactivated her quirk and squeezed me tightly and held me there until there was a knock on the door. In came Recovery girl smiling at me, "Can I speak to you about your condition alone?" her eyes moved to Kendo who was now holding me in a sideways hug.

"It's fine, she can stay" nodding her head as she spoke about my condition.

"As you already know, you have backlashes from your quirk which result in you having burn marks which I have healed" nodding my head as I replied back with a thank you before glancing up at Kendo to see her reaction.

Her eyes were slightly wide at the news but she didn't say anything and listened closely.

"Do you know why this happens?" I asked quickly, curious as to why this was happening.

"I don't know why it happens but there have been some rare cases including yourself and one other patient I had treated who was harmed by their own quirk. He was like you in more ways than one"

Eager to know more and if I could somehow contact this person to know how they handle it "Who is he? Do I know him?"

"That information is classified"

Disappointed in the answer but what did she mean we were similar more ways than one. Is there a Todoroki that was the same as me?

While I was in thought, recovery girl did a quick check but I was cleared to go get ready for the award ceremony. I didn't wanna go but Kendo forced me to. Was I ready to face Kastuki again?


Standing high nervously in the second place, oh what a coincidence that bastard is the number two hero and here I am in second place. Life really is cruel. Beside me on a higher platform was the agitated hedgehog growling away while he was chained up. Sighing loudly at how this was all my fault but there was nothing that could have stopped this from happening.

All he wanted was a real match to see who would win. Who would come out on top? Me or him. But I couldn't give him the fight he wanted. I hope he understands why once he calms down.

We were all handed our medals while the crowd cheered loudly and despited my mind telling me not to speak I just felt so horrible inside that I had to say it one last time here. "I'm sorry to both of you." Not only was I apologising to Katsuki but also Shoto as he stood in third place.

"Shut the fuck up" Katsuki snarled out aggressively while he had his medal in his mouth. Shoto didn't say anything, he didn't even look at me. Not wanting to do anything else to hurt them I decided to just shut up and hope that someone would just take me away.

Everyone was now getting ready to leave and as I was hurrying to leave this nightmare and face my mum. Maybe I would even run away now. That sounded like a good idea right about now.

No one spoke to each other as there was suffocating tension between us. Rushing out the room not looking back as I walked out the building but before I could escape and leaving all this behind there she was standing with that smile. The smile that she always gave me when I was sad and down.

My mum.

Frozen in my place as I avoided looking at her, I could see people from my class leaving and as much as I tried not to cry I just couldn't handle it anymore. The tears kept coming down, the day had taken too much out of me as much as I wanted to think I was strong I wasn't. I was a crybaby.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I kept repeating the words as I feel to the ground now creating a puddle of tears on the ground. Not even caring that people could see my meltdown. The sound of a pair of rushed footsteps come towards me before she was beside me held me well I cried in front of my classmates. In a way she was protecting me from the stares, covering from anyone looking and when someone would stop to look mamma bear was on the case to shoot them away. My mum was the strongest women I had ever met and here I was a mess.

Finally peering up from the ground to look at her gentle smile, I probably was all red from all the crying. "I'm sorry that you have a daughter like me" I was eventually calming down when she embraced me once more before whispering to me " you did nothing wrong, it's my fault for not letting you use your full potential and putting this pressure on you. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I love you (Y/N) and you are gonna be the best hero by giving it your all with both powers. Who cares who where your dna came from it only matter about how you use it and who cares about you"

Her speech caused more tears to fall which had caused her to panic a bit but I managed to speak through my sobs "I'm so happy that you aren't mad with me. I was so worried" she wiped away my tears giving me a big smile before leaning her forehead against mine. A gesture she had done ever since I was small. "You are so strong. Now let's go sort some stuff out with your teachers" nodding my head to her as I looked behind us to see Awaiza and some of my classmates.

By accident, I had made eye contact with Katsuki's burning red eyes but immediately looked away as I followed by behind mum and Awaiza. Up ahead i could see Shoto who had also witnessed the scene I caused and afraid for mum to meet him. However, she surprised me by stopping in front of him and bowing to him before speaking softly, "I'm sorry for what I had done and I'm also sorry for how he had treated you" he avoided looking at her but before she left, she said one more thing that shocked both him and me.

"Make sure you go see your mum, she misses you"

Omg I cried making the chapter and it just made it worse cause I was listening to slipping through my finger from mamma mia. I love that movie and that song always makes me cry.

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