Chapter 20

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Walking back to my seat after my match that didn't even last 5 mins, she knew she was gonna lose. My mind was clouded with the possibility of my match with Shoto.

Entering the sitting area and taking my seat next to Katsuki, looking down at the fight below zoning in and out not completely focusing.

Tokoyami Vs Mina

Katsuki gripped my thigh tightly preventing it from continuously bouncing, "can you fucking stop that. My face lights up as I look away from the feeling of his warm hand on my leg as his hand more up a bit before letting go.

"K-Katsuki" stuttering out at what had just happened, staring back at me with that sinful smirk. Oh, he knew what he had just done. "Relax, forget all those losers. Focus on the top nothing else matters"

Tokoyami won

His words repeated in my mind, I wanna be a top hero. Don't care about anything else right now. Everyone watch me. Katsuki got up smirking once more making his way to stage.

Bakugo Vs Kirishima

Bakugo won

Standing from my seat lightly stiff and making my way towards the door and waiting outside was no other than my half-brother. Coughing to clear my voice from all my nerves "h-hi Sh-Todoroki"

"How are you related to me?" His sharp tone left no room to dodge the question for later. "Well, um I'm your half-sister. Our da-I mean Endeavor cheated on your mum with mine" laughing nervous "and here I am with my mum's quirk and his"

"I'm guessing he doesn't know by his reaction" nodding my head as he had a little glimpse of happiness at his father angry frustrate state. Turning away, he began to walk away but grabbing his wrist instantly, however, he ripped it out.

"We may have the same blood but you are not my family" and with that, he walked away. Frozen in place, feeling my heart shattered at those words. I've never had any brothers or sisters and was kinda assuming that we could but guess not.

Making my way to the waiting room to prepare for the match with my mind focused on the match and nothing else. He used his fire on Midoryia so does that mean he'll use it on me too or will he go back to just using ice.

"Akemi" A harsh voice called out my last name. No one had ever done that and I've never told anyone. Widen eyes, turning to see my burning nightmare. Endeavor.

"I thought I told Ashikaga Akemi to get rid of you, I guess she didn't. Fucking brat, you just had to go and expose yourself here didn't you." His flames began to grow, increasing the temperature in the room that it began nearly impossible to breathe.

"You are not my child, get that throw your stupid brain" father like son but this time it didn't heart as much or maybe I was too focused on trying to breathe in this heat.

"I don't want to be a child of yours seeing at how you treated the ones that lived with you" standing up to Endeavor boldly before looking up at his dragger eyes and running away to the waiting room.

Taking deep, heavy breathes, too scared to move as I think about what could happen next. To me or mum.

Stop thinking like that, it could lose me the match. Think about Katsuki words. I wanted to be a hero, I'm not gonna let anyone take that from me not even Mr number 2.

Waiting for my name to be called from Present Mic, "first up, Son of number two hero Endeavor, Shoto Todoroki and next up is the secret daughter of Endeavor, (Y/N) Akemi"

Stepping out on to the stage, ready to take down this boy. Fine if he doesn't wanna be family then I'm gonna beat him like he's not.



Not making a move yet as Shoto rushes at me with his ice ready, mm so you are using ice, Shoto but I can melt you down. Flaring up in flames, waiting for him to make his move. Trying to using the same move he used on Sero, I let him entertain everyone before melting the ice and walking out of the ice cave with a simple flip of the hair.

"Is that all you got Shoto" not afraid to use his name as I tease him, from here i can see him tense up as he advances again.

"If you don't use it, this is pointless. I'll win." I speak calmly as I dodge his kicks before wrapping my roots around his body restraining him from moving.

"Come Shoto, is it not in your body. The flames. It's in your body so it's yours. Simple."

Easy freezing the roots and breaking the ice getting out of my hold before we both run towards the other. I see a flame emerge from his hand and began to flare up once again ready to go all out with him. Whos flames are stronger?

Charging up to attack and soon at the last minute he uses his ice and we clash ice and fire. Both of us, being pushed back with the focus using my roots to hold me from stepping out of the line, however, Shoto was pushed back outside.

"How dare you, Shoto you could have beaten this fake" his voice echoes through the stadium. Well, that's gonna lower my chances at working with some pro-heroes.

"(Y/N) wins, she moves onto the next round"

Holding my hand out to Shoto waiting for him to grab onto but never does instead slaps it away. "I don't need your pity"

"It wasn't pity, I know you would have won if we went fire against fire but you didn't wanna use his power and I understand that. I didn't use his power until today so we have that in common" Smiling at him before walking away to rest and to heal some of the burn marks on my arms.

Since I wasn't allowed to use my quirk this much as a kid, I'm not used to its power so I get burn marks as a side effect.

Author's note:

First, it would mean a lot to me if you could support me on Instagram: Inspiringzero0

Also, for the next part who should she have her internship with, if you have any ideas comment.

And I'm thinking of doing a soulmate fanfic next but I don't know what anime or character to do it of so also comment that as well, these are the ones I'm thinking of but you can send in others.

Sasuke (Naruto)

shoto todoroki (MHA)

Kirishima (MHA)

Rin (Blue exorcist)

Bon (Blue exorcist)

Zoro (One Piece)

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