S2 Chapter 1

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This is the beginning of the new season: The Scarlet Flame. I decided to put it in one book just to make things easier for you guys to find it :)

Life had calmed down a lot after mum married Aizawa. No imposers. No family problems. I've been training a lot since I had a lot to catch up with, but most importantly, there were no more nightmares. That meant no more demon. Right now, I was the happiest I could ever be.

Cuddling up in bed as I slowly fall asleep but a sharp shiver ran down my shine as if something was happening. Ignoring it as I pull the covers closer to me, I was just cold. That's what I told myself, but I should know by now to trust my instincts.

Closing my eyes as if that would help my situation, but I was not escaping to no dream world anytime soon. Feeling frustrated as I turn over to scream into my pillow, tomorrow I had to wake up early for school, and here I was at 3 am not getting a wink of sleep. Standing up and grabbing a flashlight so I could make my way to Katsuki's room. Lately, I have been opening up more and more to my boyfriend, and he was doing the same. Everything was going good.

Opening my room to see the sight of Katsuki's body covered in blood and bruises. Staring at him in shock as he stood there with nowhere to hide from my preying eyes. I reached out to touch him, but he flinched when I touched him with the most delicate touch. "What happened" I stuttered out the question, afraid of the answers. "Who did this to you?" gently placing my hand on his cheek as he leans into my touch.

His eyes fell to the ground "I fought with Deku" his voice came out brittle as if he was ready to cry. I could tell he didn't want to talk about it now, so I grasped ahold of his cold hand in my warm one. Pulling him into my room and closing the door behind us. I let out a gasp as he crashed into me, embracing me tightly while hearing the silent cries. Letting him cry as I ran my hand through his hair, soothing him quietly as he clung tightly onto me. "Please, just hold me" the words came out with each cry. All I could feel was his broken heart. "I will never leave you" my voice was soft as I kissed him on his red-stained cheek. The words I spoke came from my heart.

Once he had calmed down, neither of us spoke as I cleaned him up before we both cuddled in bed. Waiting till I heard the soft snores of Katsuki before I could sleep. Closing my eyes as I entered the darkness that once scared me, but now a feeling of relief covers me.

It was morning, and Katsuki had already gotten up and left. No that I mind because if he went now, I can only imagine what the girls would think. Yesterday was a lot, but I was happy he came to me. After I was finished getting ready for school, I walked downstairs to hear the laugher of everyone. Seeing Katsuki cleaning after everyone was indeed a sight to be seen, and we would never get it again. "Aw, we have our own personal maid" smirking at Katsuki as he glared at me.

"(Y/N), hurry up and eat before school starts" nodding my head to Momo as she passes me my favourite cercal. Honestly, I don't know what we would all do if we didn't have Momo. She remained me a lot of Kendo, but Kendo would always be my number one friend. Waving to the boys as I walked to school with Mina who waited for me, chatting as about the new kdrama we started this week. "Crashing landing is so good."

Hearing that annoying laugh from class B and ignoring him as I changed my shoes before spotting Kendo walking towards me. "Good morning" we both greeted each other before she asked about what happened. Explaining to her before the bell rang and everyone was off to their classrooms. Aizawa led us outside to hear what the principal had to say, standing next to Shoto as I tried to get him to speak to me, but he didn't afraid to get in trouble. Even though my mum had married Aizawa, she kept her last name and so did I. All mum said was that she wanted to keep it as a reminder but didn't go into specifics.

Back in class, we learnt about hero studies, and I didn't have any connections like that apart from Aizawa, but I don't think he would help me. He would probably say that it would be unfair to the other students which I understood. Three days later, Midoryia was back in class, and we were introduced to the big three. The girl was beautiful, and I knew she was powerful too but what I wasn't expecting was her bubbly personality.

The girl was going around asking different questions but not letting anyone speak "Todoroki I see back there?! Hey!! How'd you get that burn?" my eyes widen as I stared at him. "..well, I.." and again she didn't let him answer. Letting out a sigh but soon she came to me " you were so cool at the sports festival. (Y/N)'s reveal is in my top 10 biggest reveals. Can you grow apple trees? That would be cool then you would be able to have apples whenever" she was like a little kid in a candy store. "Um, I.." I didn't know what to see, but it didn't matter as she moved onto Mina.

The big three was so weird. But the guy with blonde hair wanted us to fight him and like the confident batch we are. We did try our best, but our best was nothing compared to this guy. Shoto couldn't fight since he didn't have a license; I could only imagine if Katsuki was here. I just know he would be itching to fight him.

Everyone was exhausted with trying to get a hit on the third year, but nothing worked. We all walked back to the dorm with disappointment, but before I entered, I had gotten a notification.

Pausing in my place to look at the message to see it was from mum:

Come home asap

It was like my heart had stopped as my phone fell from my hand as my feet started taking me to my childhood house. "(Y/N) where are you going?" I heard Mina call after me, but I had no time to answer as I send a quick message to Shouta.

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