Chapter 62

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A couple of days have passed and nothing has really happened, everyone believes Cho well except Katsuki. I've been getting on well with Cho as she stays with us in secret, none of us has told the teachers afraid that they would throw her out. We found out she used to live in foster care and how badly they treated her. After we heard the stories no one ever asked anything about her past, most people felt bad for her especially Izuku.

However, there was this weird thing she did where she wouldn't speak to me when we were in the room and when she did speak to me it was only around others. Did I make her feel uncomfortable?

We both woke up without a word to each other just like other days and got ready for breakfast with the others. Once we arrived she was chatting away with the others as I just let out a sigh as I watched her interact with everyone else but me.

Did I do something wrong?

"Is that bitch still not speaking to you?" Katsuki spoke as he pulled out a chair for me to sit in. Nodding my head as I crossed my arms on the table, "did I do anything wrong?" shaking his head as he looked at her. "I don't like her" he mumbled as he went back to eating.

"I can tell" I mumbled back as I grabbed a plate and started eating with everyone else. "She's not that bad apart from her not speaking to me when we are alone" I started speaking louder growing quieter, taking another bite of my bread. I didn't feel like eating but I knew Katsuki would cause a scene if I didn't and then Shoto would come over then they would double team me and make me eat.

"There's something wron-" putting my hand over his mouth as Cho came to sit down at our table. "Be nice" I whispered to him as I smiled brightly at her trying to seem friendly but this was so frustrating, I don't understand why she didn't speak to me. The only person who knows about this is Katsuki and he promised not to tell anyone else.

"Hey Cho" greeting her as kindly as possible but all she did was give me a tiny wave. That's all I get. I let you sleep in my bed while I sleep on the stupid floor that aches my back and don't get me started on your disturbing snores. If I could slap her, I would.

"Can I sit here?" she asks politely, happy that she was talking to me but I was wrong. Her eyes were on Katsuki. "Fuck no" pinching Katsuki as I nod for her to sit down which she does. My mind was slipt into two as one side wanted to believe her and become a good sister to her but the other side didn't trust her one bit.

Observing her as she smiled at Katsuki and ignoring me completely but Katsuki was also ignoring her and looking at me. This was so weird.

"Bakugo, what are you doing today?" She softly asked him reaching her arm out to touch his hand but that didn't go well with him but also me. However, Katsuki reacted first and began shouting "don't fucking touch me bitch, I don't like you" and with him shouting caused the tears which always happened. Someone immediately came over to help her as I sat back and observed. Normally I was the first one to her but if she doesn't want to speak to me I won't help her.

"Bakugo that's not manly making a girl cry"

"That bitch always cry, she tried to put her nasty hands on me. Where's my help?" He shouted out as he looked at me for help but I was watching her. What's your next move, sis?

Once she calmed down as Shoto joined the table asking what happened and I quickly got him caught up. "Ah" I whined as I had a backache, Shoto looked over at me worried while my boyfriend glared at her the cause of this. "Yeah, I'm fine" smiling softly at him before turning to Katsuki.

"Do you wanna go out today?" he immediately nods his hand and grabs my hand to pull me upstairs. "I just want to get the fuck away from her" he sighs as I wave to both of them which only Shoto response.

Before we went our own ways to our rooms, I stopped as I began to whisper to him "there's something weird about her and I've had this feeling since she first arrived but I didn't want to believe"

"I told you so but I know. You saw yourself in her and you thought you could help her but I don't think she says she is"

"I thought she was like me but she is completely different. It's as if she is planning an act. None of this seems real. I'm gonna try and go through her stuff while she is downstairs then meet me back at the outside" nodding his head as I rush to my room.

Once I get there I shut the door behind me quickly as I search the room for some sort of clue until I hear a beep. Turning in the direction as I see a light come through the blanket of my bed, jumping towards as I get ahold of her phone.

Yes, she left her phone behind. Looking at it to see a message from someone.


How's the plan going?

Staring confused at the phone, what does this plan.

"What are you doing with my phone?" without hearing the door open, I hear the owner of the phone. Swiping the message quickly to delete it from the front of the phone.

Turning to her as I give her a fake smile before handing her phone back "I was just about to give it to you" handing it to her and she grips it tightly.

"Thank you" she replies and that was the moment her sweet personality was all an act as I hear the hints of venom sneaking in.

What are you planning Cho?

The first character of my new fanfic is out, it is a kuroo x oc. It is my first of so I hope it goes well, I was going to make it a reader but there were things in it that needed to be a oc and I didn't want people to get mad at me for it. 

Anyways I hope you guys go and support me on there. It's called Sweet or Sour! I'm so excited about this because this is my first fanfic that is not a Katsuki Bakugo one.

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