Chapter 21

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Hey guys,

I'm sorry I haven't updated last week, I had very bad cramps but I'm all good now and here is this chapter 21. I hope you like it. :)

Walking back inside away from the peering eyes of the audience and taking a seat on one of the old wooden benches. Closing my eyes for a bit to take in everything that had happened on the stage. Shoto didn't use his quirk which means Endeavor had probably said something to make Shoto go back to just using ice. I just really wanna slap that number two hero so badly even if I get in trouble it would have been worth it but I also wanna slap Shoto. Ugh, this boy is quite annoying. Deku gives him a perfectly good speech and he does come out and use his fire but as soon as its the next match. Oh, daddy hero comes along and ruins it, simply just block him out.

"Oi (Y/N)" opening one eye to peek at who was interrupting my rest, my burn marks are still a bit sore but it'll be fine. I never really knew why I got burn marks after using my flames but I had guessed is it was to me not using that much but still was that the case or is there another reason.

Hiding my burn marks as I see Katsuki make his way towards me probably getting ready for his next match. "What the fuck are you doing here?" his eyes looking around as if searching for something or someone.

"No reason, I'm just resting a lot has happened and i just needed to rest" nodding his head in satisfaction.

"It's gonna me vs you next so get ready loser" laughing slightly while standing up from the wooden bench that started to give me "yeah right, that's if you win your match" already knowing he was so going to win the next match as he had the advantage.

"I'm gonna destroy that bird"

"I'll leave you to get ready for your match then" just as I was about to leave I hear him speak something. "Let's go on a date after this"

Wait did I hear that right? Turning round to face him so quickly, "can you repeat that, I didn't hear that?" His face was deep red as he twisted his back to me hiding his embarrassment.

"WE ARE GOING ON A FUCKING DATE" he shouted out the words as he shuffled away from me. Still, shocked from the news. Wow, he sure can be soooo romantic sometimes especially with his words.

Walking away with a smile painted on my face, he sure can make me smile quick. That idiot. "So you and (Y/N) are siblings" I heard someone speak, hiding myself from their view. If I had to guess that voice had to be Deku and he is probably talking to Shoto. That's kinda cute how they have their mini conversations anyways back to their conversation about me.

"Half-sibling" his voice was cold hinted with venom.

"Just because she doesn't have the same mother as you doesn't mean you are not family"

Well, Midoryia he has already stated to me that even if we are he wants nothing to do with me. Just like good old dad.

"I hate her" Shoto murmured quietly but I heard him. As if that wasn't too hard to guess. This is hurting more than it should be, I should go. I already know, he doesn't want anything to do with me.

"No you don't-" blocking out their conversation as I made my way to a vending machine to get a drink and just to my luck who was there. Endeavor getting himself strawberry milk. Um not what I was expecting but as soon as he heard my footprint he throws the drink away, someone embarrassed. If only I could say that but I can't I don't want anything to do with him.

As I made it to the vending machine about to buy some water expecting him to just walk away, he speaks. Just great. Could my mood get any worse? When I'm happy being with my boyfriend the Todoroki family has a very special way to bring me down.

"Stop using my flames" shocked by the words, I looked up at him but wrong move. His eyes were glaring at me with hatred. "It's not yours. These flames are mine so you can't tell me what to do with them."

Slapping the vending machine making some of the drink falls, my body began to tremble. "Listen here you fucking brat. You were never supposed to be born, that stupid mother of yours didn't get rid of you. Now I have to fix this mistake"

"Don't talk about my mum. She loves me, more than you could ever love any of your kids. She's the best parent and what about you." I began to walk backwards creating distant as the room temperature began to increase but I was not backing down.

"You are a piece of shit"

The room stopped as the pain began to spread on my left cheek where he had slapped me. The number two had slapped me. That was gonna bruise. Tears were on the edge of my eyes ready to fall as I looked at the guilty man standing in front of me. I never thought he would do that.

"If you don't use your flames maybe your mother can stop being a whore"

"Don't fucking say shit about my mum. You don't know nothing" I could feel myself flaring up as I started at this bastard with hate that I had never felt before.

"(Y/N)" looking to my right standing there was Awaiza using his quirk on me stopping me from flaring. "Come here" looking at the floor as I made my way to my teacher.

"I can make your mother's life better if you listen to me" Endeavor whispered to me as I walked past him so Awaiza couldn't hear him. "Endeavor I would advise you to stay away from my student" Awaiza spoke once I reached him before he leads the way while I followed behind.

When we were further away from that bastard, Awaiza spoke to me "did he do anything to you" still staring at the floor "I don't wanna talk about it now, I have a match to prepare for" nodding his head, he left me to walk toward the waiting room.

"Maybe it was a bad idea to show my flames everything is just gone bad" I whispered to myself looking at my heads as I took a seat in the waiting room. Regret was filling me up.

"I wish mum was here, she always knows what to do" a tear dropped to the floor as i thought about my mum and how I betrayed her for my own selfishness.

One of the only people that love me and wants me and i betrayed her for what. To get treated like trash on the street. I'm sorry Katsuki. I can't use it this time. My mum deserves a better daughter, all the things she does for me just to make me happy and this is how I repay her. I can't even imagine how she feels.

Endeavor will get her a better job and will probably say I was some imposer that would make me quit U.A and then I would have to find a new future job and a new dream.

Pulling out my phone seeing all the messages and missed calls from mum, I listen to one voice mail.

"I'm watching you now my hero. You are so amazing and brave, showing everyone what you can do. Prove everyone that you can be a hero, the best damn hero. I'll always be here for you, no matter what. I love you go and show everyone even with that bastard of a fath-"

Quickly putting my phone away not able to listen to the rest of the voice mail message as it was time for my match.

Also, is anyone else sad that attack on titan is nearly finished, i felt like I was gonna cry. It's such a good anime and manga. So I read the manga of it and OMG.

If you know, you know and if anyone wants to talk about it I'm here for it. After reading the manga, I've felt like writing a fanfic of Eren cause damnn but Levi will always be number one but Eren is just looking good.

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