Chapter 15

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The first part of the sports festival was an obstacle course and everyone was ready I stood next to other students that I didn't know in the middle of the crowd. I knew Kastuki would be at the front of the people aiming for the top.

Ready. set. GO.

With that everyone started running into the gate trying to escape the narrow tunnel. When it began to decrease in temperature and I could feel the ice attach itself to my shoe which I immediately melted by increasing the temperature of my whole body and sightly burning a bit of my shoe.

During training, I had studied Endeavor moves and technique to somehow help me out during the festival which it certainly is. Once I was free from the ice, rising some roots from the ground to use as a slingshot to throw myself out of the tunnel flying over the others.

Looking forward I spot Shoto running with ice spreading from his feet so it was his sneaky trick to trap as many people in there so he could get ahead but I think he underestimated them a little bit.

The rest of class A popped out of the tunnel catching up to us while I was currently in second place while Shoto was in first but I knew I won't be in this place for long as I could hear the familiar explosions behind me.

"DON'T THINK YOU CAN BEAT BE THAT EASILY YOU BASTARD" Katsuki shouts echoed from behind as I kept running not looking back as to not get distracted.

This festival is going to be very interesting.

Shoto had stopped up ahead in front of the robots, "these were in the entrance exam" I whispered as Shoto looked at me

Shoto then used is ice quirk and froze the robots but at a certain angle so it would fall. Most of the students thought he created a path but they were wrong. So wrong.

However, instead of going through them and falling for his trap I began to make dirt pillars from the ground and walked on the top of them as a way to get past the robots.

I was so close to Shoto, first place so near I needed to push myself harder. "Especially because dear old dad is watching" eyes shocked at Shoto's cold voice speaking about his-our dad. I guess we both aren't fond of our old man. Sibling bonding fun.

Curiousiourty got the better of me as my mind began to think of why he would hate his dad. His dad was there for him. He's the number two hero, he can't be that bad of a father. Right?

I distracted myself causing me to slow down that gave Kastuki the opportunity to past me "pay attention or you'll fucking be even more behind me" he screamed as he passed me.

Next was tightrope and lucky for me as a kid I used to make vines and walk on them for fun but I had to get pass fast to catch up with the boys. I began to create a dirt path to run quickly to the other side and others thought it was a good idea to follow me but as soon as I touched the other side the dirt path dissolved back to its ordinary place.

Passing by the other students even some from my class as I was even further behind as the tightrope had a further distance. Reaching the next barrier, I could see Kastuki and Shoto battling for first.

"A quick glance is enough to reveal the mines' locations!! So keep both eyes open and watch your step" Present Mic voice entered my ears the first time this obstacle course.

Think (Y/N)! I need to think fast. I could do the same technique as i did before with the dirt pillars. Make the pillars tall and in between the mines. Perfect.

With that, I was off above everyone else jumped on the pillars until I had finally reached pass the boys and now in the lead. Yes, I got this. I can win. However, there was a huge explosion from behind us and not making that mistake again not looking back but from the corner of my eye, I saw Izuku pass me and slam Shoto and Kastuki which was funny and would tease Kastuki later about.

It was the last stretch and Izuku was first with me second and the boys joint third. Running with everything I have, I could feel the familiar warmth on my feet.

Fuck. Not now. Don't you dare flare-up!!

I was so close to the finish and I could feel my shoes melting and the hard ground on my feet as I ran. Kastuki and Shoto were now right behind me. Oh no!

If I couldn't get first. I want to be second.

Taking a risk I jumped up and pressed my feet on both their faces and let out a small flame with heat that wouldn't do to much damage to their pretty faces but just to give me a little boost.

Finally, I reached the finish line, I was happy that I was second but I had also used my flames. I didn't have time to worry about Shoto or anyone else finding out.

I'm ready for the world to know me as (Y/N) the secret daughter of the number two hero.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now