Chapter 59

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When mum had left both me and my teacher that I just discovered out that is my mum's boyfriend. Life is so weird, my biologically dad is the number two hero and now my mum is dating another pro-hero. Damn.

Once dinner was set we all sat down at the table, it was strange having an extra chair. Usually, there was only two but now on our small table sat three people. "How do you feel (Y/N)?" mum uttered softly as she gazed at me while Aizawa observed me.

Studying at both of them before putting down my fork, "I'm gonna be honest, I feel weird. My homeroom teacher is in my house and is dating my mum." Mum let out a sigh while Aizawa just nodded in agreement but kept quiet. Like what did they want me to say, yes I'm fine with this after just hearing about it?

"That's fine I understand dear but-" before letting her continue what she was gonna say already knowing she was gonna try to explain that she was happy but I could already tell just by the way she looked at him. Maybe she had looked at him all those other times but I just never noticed.

"But I'm happy for you. If you are happy, I'm happy but-" pausing as I glare at my teacher which I never thought I would be able to do without getting in trouble "if he ever makes you cry I'll beat him up" mum let out a little laugh as she looked at her boyfriend well he smiled back at her.

No one is ever gonna believe me that I saw Aizawa smile.

"I'm glad you approve of me (Y/N), now I can do this" he stood up from his chair before going down on one knee. No way was he gonna propose right now. Shocked at I looked at the scene but quickly grabbed my phone to record it. Tears were threatening to escape as I looked at mum, she was left speechless staring at him take out a small box.

Opening it to reveal a shiny ring, tears fell from her face as Aizawa took the ring out holding it up to mum, "would you do me the honour of being with me for the rest of our lives but not just you" Looking at me as he smiled, today was just filled with surprises as he then pulled out another ring holding it to both of us. What was happening?

Going closer to mum as we both stood shocked, not saying anything until mum spoke first. "Yes, yes, yes" they both smiled at each other as he slipped the ring on her finger. Mum gave him a small peck but I was not ready to see them do that stuff as I turned my head to the side.

"(Y/N)" hearing my name as I turned back to see him still on one knee, mum grabbed my phone carrying on recording. "I love your mother so much and I want to be in not just her life but yours as well, I want to be the father figure that you have always wanted" crying as I never expect for this to happen.

"I'm not gonna rush in to live with you both, I want to go at your pace. (Y/N), I want you to be comfortable around me" nodding my head as I couldn't speak as I would start sobbing. Slipping the ring on my pinkie as like a promise ring.

Damn, my life was crazy, I got kidnapped today and now my mum is engaged. My life was weird but I liked it that way. I never knew what was gonna happen.

"Are you gonna beat me up?" Aizawa teased as he stood up with his arm wrapped around my mum, puffing my cheeks as I felt myself grow warm "You are lucky it's happy tears or else you would be dead" I spoke trying to be cool but the embarrassment I was feeling failed me, mum went to the kitchen to clean.

He began to tell me about how all the students and teachers were gonna move into a dorm but that meant mum would be living here alone. "She's gonna be lonely" I mumbled as I looked at the door that leads to the kitchen. "I'm worried about that too but she said she'll be fine. Also, you can visit whenever you want" nodding my head.

"I'm happy she has you, she's been through a lot and now she doesn't have to do everything by herself." I glanced back at him smiling. Mum walked back in and wrapped her arms around both of us as I felt something wet fall onto my face, she's crying again. "I'm so happy I have the most important people in my life right here with me" mum deserved to be happy.


It was now the day of moving into the dorms, I was scared to leave mum alone here in this house. Watching her as she helped me pack up my things but I made sure to leave a few things behind just so I could come back and visit her.

Once we were finished, it was silent as we waited for Aizawa to pick me up in his car until I hear a small sniffle turning to look at mum to see her hiding her face from me. Oh no, she was crying again. Walking over to her as I wrapped my arms around her back, hugging her from behind "everything is gonna be fine mum" I whispered to her as I saw her wipe her tears away.

"I know dear but it's just I'm not ready for you to leave home" she spoke so softly that I almost couldn't hear what she was saying. "I'm not leaving home for good, it's just so I can be safe and then once I graduated I'll be back home" I smiled at her as she turned around to me holding my cheeks.

"My little girl, I love you so much" she leaned her forehead on mine not letting go of me. "I love you too" I mumbled back as I felt her warmth, we stood there for a few more minutes before we hear a beep.

Wiping my tears that I hadn't noticed had begun to fall, my mum gently held my hand in hers but she had begun to tighten her grip as we got closer to the front door.

"I'll come to visit you all the time, I'm not going forever" my voice was slightly breaking as I saw my mum's shaking hand reach for the door handle but I wasn't ready. stopping her from opening the door as I hugged her once more.

I don't wanna go.

Her hand rested on my head pulling my closer to her, it had always been me and her. Now I was gonna leave to live somewhere else, I wouldn't be able to see her every day.

"You better call me whenever you feel lonely" I spoke seriously as I pulled away holding onto her shoulders. Nodding her head as she kissed my forehead "I will" smiling softly as we both wiped our tears away.

Opening the door to see Aizawa leaning against his car waiting patiently for us which I was thankful for. This was gonna be hard on us.

We all helped out to put the boxes full of my stuff in his car and once all the boxes were gone, I was left looking at my childhood room. It looked empty but there was still something left just in case I wanted to stay over which I would.

"Are you ready to go?" Aizawa asked from beside my mum, nodding my head as we all walked outside towards the car. Mum stopped me from walking as she held onto my hand.

"All I want is for you to be happy and if that means doing a dangerous like being a hero then I'll be happy for you but it doesn't mean I won't worry any less so you better be careful" looking back at Aizawa "both of you"

Smiling up at mum before giving her one more hug, "thank you, I'll come back soon" I spoke while walking to the car and opening the door. Trying my hardest not to cry again already knowing that as I soon as I started she would too.

Sitting in the car staring at the front window, not looking back because if I did I don't think I would be able to go.

"I'm ready" and with that, he drove off.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now