Chapter 9

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After the heroes had sorted out the villains, everyone had returned to the main building. We were all walking back inside when Kirishima came up to me "(Y/N) are you gonna get that checked out by Recovery girl" It was nice of him to worry about me. "I think I'll be fine, don't worry," I said while smiling at him but before I could enter the class to grab my stuff I was dragged back. "Where is fuck do you think you are going?" Turning around, I was met with a pair of red eyes.

"Um to get my stuff, duh," I said as if it was oblivious and then began walking towards the classroom again before he dragged me back again and towards the opposite way. "The fuck you are. I'm taking you to get that check out" Letting out a sigh, finding it pointless to try and argue with this guy.

Once we got there, he let Recovery girl do her thing while he went to go get our stuff from the classroom. "Ah, young love," she stated with a gentle tone, however, I began to panic as my mind went to earlier where we almost kissed "NO" I shouted but then coughed and lowed my voice "um no we are not in love" she just smiled before fixing my arm back to normal.

Outside of her office, Bakugo leaned against the wall beside the door. "Let's go, " He said before handing my bag as we started to walk home.

"Are you ever gonna use that fucking power of yours" Bakugo spoke

"I don't know, I promised my mum I wouldn't but looking at everyone trying there best and giving their all while I'm only giving half"

"So then fucking use it who cares if that bastard knows it's not like he can do anything now. You are alive"

"I guess so but my mum," I said as I gazed down at the ground as I thought back to when I showed my mum my power.


"Hey mummy" I smiled at my mum while running to her in the park. She looked up from her book to me with a bright smile.

"Can I show you something?" She nodded her head not expecting what I was about to show her.

"I worked really hard on this," I said as I sat on the bench beside her and then created a little flame in my hand. However, her face no longer held that same smile but a horrified face.

"(Y/N) stop that right now" she shouted at me which cause me to obey her immediately and then she grabbed my wrists tightly "you will never use that power again okay" I nodded my head. "Promise me"

"I promise mummy"


"Who cares what the fuck she thinks it's your power, not hers" not saying anymore we walked in silence. "I train secretly so I don't flare up or in case of an emergency"

"I wanna see" turning to him in shock. "What!? Now"

"No not now shit head tomorrow" "B-but I only train at night"

"Fine we'll go out to eat first then we can fucking train," Bakugo said with a small spray of pink on his cheeks. What? Is Bakugo asking me on a date? No way.

"um um okay," I nervous said but giving him my phone number and said goodbye as my face filled with red.

Am I really going on a date with him? Do I like him?

Just as I'm about to open the door to my house I hear my name, turning around I see Kendo standing there with her worried face. "Hey" I tiredly said as I walked over to her.

"Are you okay? I heard what happened" She started her worried motherly ranted as she looked at me making sure I was okay. "I'm fine just really tired"

"We haven't been able to hang out recently like we normally do" I nodded to her as I told her I would text her some time tomorrow so we could hang out.

Walking inside the house, expecting no one to be home I see the lights on and a shadow walking towards me activating my quirk I wrap the roots around the person trapping them. "(Y/N), it's just me" I heard my mum's voice before making the roots drop to the ground. "Sorry" She ran up to me hugging me expressing how worried she was that he had to come home earlier. I explained to her what happened before heading off to bed.

My eyes closing slowly before I heard my phone go off. Looking at the bright screen I have two notifications:

Future heroes gcUnknown number

Once from the classes chat and another one. Ignoring the schools one I open the unknown number:


It's me, you fucking nerd

I then save his number and change his name to hedgehog. What he doesn't know can't hurt him




Meet at the mall at 5 pm


Where are we gonna eat?


None of your fucking business

Um, I think it is cause I'm going there to eat but oh well I shut my phone off and close my eyes. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now