Chapter 18

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I took the lead and he followed until I stopped at the same place where he spoke to Midoryia. Both of us staring at each other, I had no clue how he would react to this, I wasn't close enough to him to know but this is the right thing to do.

I had to tell him before I expose myself to everyone else it won't before and now I know he hates his dad, he wouldn't go straight to him to tell him and make me pull out. My mind was a mess and I was about to destroy a lot of people's lives just so I could be happy and accept myself.

All I wanted to do was be free from these chains that held me down.

"What did you want to speak about?" Shoto spoke first even though it should have been me. "During the obstacle course did you see what I did to become second" my head was high even though my voice was a bit shakey.

"I wasn't too sure what had happened, I saw flames but I don't know if I was just mistaken for Bakugou's explosions." Nodding my head gently in understanding.

"Well, first I need to speak about what your father has done" immediately his eyes sharpen glaring at me. Nothing came from him as he waiting for me to speak my next words that would change his world.

"He had an affai-" before I could finish my sentence the man himself arrived and stood proudly in the entryway casting a shadow over us. His two child, once he didn't know about, both from different mothers.

"Shoto" His deep and evil like voice entered our ears causing us to glance up at him and glared at him as if it was a reflex. The number two hero but to us, he was a piece of shit of a father. "What are you doing here with" he looked down at me with some type of disgust.

"(Y/N)" looking away from him and back at Shoto to see his eyes burn with hatred. "You look familiar (Y/N), have we met before?" Stupid. We haven't met but you know my mother. I was hoping he would kinda know who I was for some hope that he didn't just completely forget my mother.

"No" I wasn't lying because I had never met him before. Noticing that Endeavor wanted alone time with his son, I began to pass by Endeavor back to the other, but just before I was out of there sight, I called out to Shoto.

"Don't hate me for what's about to happen" looking him straight in the eyes before turning away and carrying on my way not looking at the trash bag. I'm sorry, I didn't get to tell you. I hope you understand that I just want to be free and not have anything holding me back anymore on my way to be a hero.

I'm going to be selfish and finally show myself to the world exposing who I am and what that man that everyone calls a hero did.

Everyone was soon called back to the stadium so the matches could begin and first up was Midoryia with another student that I had never seen before. The match was not very flashy and intense but I'm glad Midoryia won.

Next up were Shoto and Sero. From here I could see that same look in his eyes when he looked at his dad. Endeavor said something to him to get him this heated to completely finish Sero without even giving him a chance to defend himself. Shoto won.

Kaminari and a girl from class B were up next and I had a feeling had this was going to go. Kaminari had a weakness that was oblivious, girls and just as I thought the girl had won.

My match was next Ida had already stood up to get ready to go but before I left Katsuki stopped me. "Did you tell him?" Shaking my head to his question before responding back "I going to use it now. I know I could use it later on, but I just want to be free already." Without no one looking, he kissed my forehead before whispering in an unlikely gentle katsuki way. Leaving me red, but I still managed to calm myself to enter the stage in front of everyone staring down at me.

Right before the match was about to start, I peered up at Endeavor smirking slightly causing his eyes to widen. Oh boy, he is gonna be even in more of a shock when he sees me. His life was about to burn down just by one girl and from all the things I've heard he deserves this but I'm not doing this for revenge or to get back at him.

I'm doing this for myself.

Glancing up at one of the camera's pointing down to me, knowing mum was watching. I mouthed the words "I'm sorry" before the match began.


Ida came running at me so fast but I just stood there calming waiting until he got too close pulling my roots from the ground and wrapped it about his legs keeping him still.

"Ugh, I need to get out of here" I heard him say as he began to break my roots.

"You're not the only one who hid a special move," I said as I made my way to his before lighting my whole body in flames hearing gasps coming from every corner.

"What-how" Ida distracted stared at me in shock.

"Let's just say I'm not your normal girl," I said before lightly my rooting on fire and letting it spread causing his legs to burn up before I finally let my roots return to the earth. Ida fell to the ground unable to move.

"I'm the secret daughter of Endeavor"

I said to Ida before I was called the winner, everyone was staring at me with curiosity to who I was.

"Who is she?"

"Is she related to Endeavor?"

"Is she Endeavor's daughter?"

"She looks like him and has his quirk"

Walking off the stage and into the shadow so no one could see me and there waiting for me was Aizawa sensei. "So let me guess you are Endeavor's daughter that he had an affair with your mother." Nodding my hair surprised that he already caught on which just means Endeavor was known for sleeping around with others.

"We'll take more after the festival just focus on your next match" he turned away and walked off.

Letting out a deep sigh before dropping to the floor with sweat dripping from my face. I had finally done it, I can be a real hero now with nothing holding me back.

Walking up the stairs, ready to face everyone and explain what had happened. I was also going to face Shoto and have the conversation which we should have had early.

It's okay cause I also have Katsuki by my side to help me.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now