Chapter 11 - Anthony

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Where is Amy?

I looked around and found her talking with Jac and Jase. I walked to her but one of her friends stopped me. I didn't even remember her name. The only one I remember from her friend was the brunette, Elize. She couldn't come because she had to accompany one of her friends from Italy or something like that.

"Hey" I smiled at the girl.

"Tony let's make a video. The dance you did with Amy on the stage at meet and greet"

"Ah, okay. Let me call Amy and we can dance together" I was ready to go but she stopped me. "No need. Just us" she smiled flirty to me.

Really, Amy... you still want to be friends with them?

Someone tapped my back "hey! Let's make a video together" Meredith smiled sweetly. "The three of you!" Madeline added.

The girl squealed and agreed.

"Thanks" I said under my breath.

"You want to go back to Amy?" Meredith said when the girl ran to inform her friends.

I grinned at Meredith and Madeline. "You two are perfect! Bye!" I escaped before the girls came back.

I agreed to invite Amy's friends tonight just because I knew the girls were pressuring Amy. At the same time some of our influencer friends asked us to have dinner together after they made collaboration content at the Vibes house.

After this hopefully they could leave Amy alone. But I didn't expect them to be this bitch. Seriously like... they don't care about Mads, Mer and Amy's feelings. Mads and Braden are close. Everyone knows this. Also Amy and I, lately every gossip and fans linked us together. Not to mention Meredith who is in a relationship with Jase. But that Trio Blondes just don't care. They draped their bodies to us, hugged and kissed, they also flirted with us. Even Drew fed up with them. Drew the super single one at this moment.

I put my hand on Amy's shoulders. "Hey" I said to her. She looked at me and smiled a bit. Shit... what's wrong?

I pulled her to the corner. "You okay?" I said softly.

"Yeah I'm fine... why?" She laughed awkwardly. She is fucking far from fine.

"I want to use my chance today" I looked deeply into her eyes.

She inhaled deeply. "You are silly Tony. Come one let's get back to the others" she tried to walk but I stopped her.

"Tell me" I said.

She looked away. "There is nothing" she whispered.

"Amanda" I kept my voice low but my eyes firm on her.

She exhaled "okay I use mine too"

"What?" I blinked. I didn't expect she encountered me with this.

"Did you enjoy all the attention from my friends?" She asked me. Her eyes bored me.

"Excuse me?" I asked not sure with my ears.

"You heard me" she said.

"What attention?"

"Everything. The flirt, the hug, the kiss... everything"

"No" I said. My eyes on her. "Not even a bit" I said slowly mustered all the sincerity.

Her eyes were searching something from my eyes. I didn't know what, but I let her see everything in me. There is no other girl I could think of since I met you, Amy.

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