Chapter 25 - Anthony

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My world crumbled. Amy broke up with me. I couldn't say no to her. I knew she felt insecure with our condition. I was in between. I needed to keep my existence in social media with a lot of new content since Vibes fell apart. On the other side, I needed to take care of Amy's heart. I've tried my best to distance myself from the girls but it was so hard when paparazzi tried to get the 'right' angle. They could make simply laugh became more than laugh.

I tried to convince Amy, but the more she cried the more I couldn't convince her. She sounded so vulnerable and miserable. I hated that I was the one who put that in her.

My love for her was bigger than I thought. As long as she was happy I could give her anything, even if I needed to sacrifice myself.

That was why I agreed with her decision. I told her I would go to Connecticut, at least for the last time. But she said no. She said that would make her more miserable to see me.

I told her to keep emailing me every week about her life and updates. She didn't want to but in the end she gave in for a monthly update. We would send each other email until one of us found another person that we wanted to share our life with.

"Are you sure?" She asked me when I told her about my idea of the email.


She chuckled "you'll be the one who stopped send me the email, Tony"

I shook my head. "I don't think I will stop, Amy"

"So do I" she whispered. Why love isn't enough for us?

"Tony... Um.. can you go back to the school? Finish your degree?"

I didn't answer her.

"Or at least think about it, okay?" she said softly.

"Okay, I'll think about it," I said.

"You will always be on my mind, Tony. And I will always love you"

"It doesn't have to be over, Amy. We can make this work. Believe me"

"Tony.. promise me one thing. Let me know when you find someone new. So I know when I have to move on"

"I won't. Not now not ever. I will come to you, Amy. Have faith in me. After I succeed, I will find you and we can build our dream life together"


I was sitting together with Mads, Meredith and Drew on the one long couch. Mads and Mer moved out tomorrow. We just finished the packing. Drew and I planned to move next week.

Madeline exhaled and looked around "so this is it. The end of the Vibes Club" she smiled bitterly. Meredith didn't smile. Her eyes swollen. She looked stressed. The media went crazy with her relationship. Jase went crazy too. Once the news leaked about his infidelity and he couldn't convince Meredith he went to attack her back with some shit words that far from the truth.

Drew put his arm around Meredith "cheer up sis. You have a bright future"

Meredith smiled weakly at him and looked at me. "What about you Tony?"

"I'm going back to school. I move back with Sam and the others"

They smiled and agreed with my decision.

"I sold my Tesla and changed it to a cheaper car. I need to keep my money until I finished my school"

Madeline put his head on my shoulder "good for you Tony. At least this time you count everything. More planned" she said softly. I kissed her head. "what about you?"

She shrugged. "Finish my school and go back to Julian Town. Mom needs me. Her condition is getting worse" she wiped her tears. When I went to Louis' party, Madeline came back to her parents house in Julian Town because her mom's health was getting worse.

Meredith squeezed her knee. "You'll always have us, Mads. And we still live together." Mads nodded. Meredith and Madeline moved to a small apartment for two.

"When will you be back to NY?" I asked Drew.

"Next week after you moved out. I'll help with all of you and then go back to NY"

"We're going to miss you, Drew" Meredith hugged him and Madeline joined behind Meredith's back.

"Give me a year or two. I don't like to live under my dad's microscope. I'll find a way to get back here" he chuckled.

"But your dad is retiring, right?" I said. His dad was sick, that was why he couldn't make it to Louis' party.

"Yeah but trust me. He wouldn't leave me alone with Roderick Hotel"

"Well, let us know when you come back. Julian Town isn't too far from LA" Madeline said.

Meredith looked at me "what about Amy?" She asked me. Now everyone was looking at me.

I shook my head "I have to let her go. I promised myself to be a better man for her and come back for her. But I couldn't do this now. I need to work out with my own life. So when I come to her, nothing could separate us ever again" even when I said it out loud, my heart still hurt.

"She is a good girl, Tony. And you are a great guy. I hope you will have another chance with her" Meredith said softly.

I smiled at them even though my eyes felt so hot and blurry.

"We will be fine..." Madeline said and hugged Meredith. Drew joined them and I joined too.

"We will be fine" I whispered to them.

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