Chapter 48 - Anthony

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My phone rings. I look at it. Amanda. My robot?

"Hello Amanda"

"Hi Mr. Lockwood. I have a message for you"

I exhale "is it from Amy?"

"Yes. She said that she wants to talk to you. And if you don't give her a time, she asked to keep calling you every half an hour until you give her your time"

I shake my head "I'm busy Amanda"

"Then, I'll call you in half an hour. Perhaps you already see your schedule and give me the time"

"Jesus, Amanda. Seriously?"

"Yes sir. Ms. Lewis said she is dead seriously. She said I quote"

I chuckle despite my current mood. "Just tell her tomorrow"

"Time, sir. Ms. Lewis asked a specific time"

I rub my face. She should become a lawyer instead of PR. I'm planning to go to her but I really swamped with my work today. She made me promise to her that I won't neglect my job anymore once she heard the full story about my 'unTony' moment after the new year.

And honestly, I really have a lot to take care of. We just got a contract with a huge company. I plan to finish all the work today, so tomorrow I can have free time and go to her place. "Tell her tomorrow morning"

"Time, sir" Amanda says with her neutral tone.

"Jesus Amanda! Okay okay. 10 am. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir. 10 am it is."

"Yes, Amanda. and tell Amy to clear up her schedule for tomorrow" even though tomorrow is Saturday and Amy doesn't have to go to her office, but still it's better for me to ask her to clean the schedule so we can have a time without anyone interrupting us.

"Sure sir"


Here I am in front of Amy's apartment with a bouquet of red roses. Madeline was right, I shouldn't go without text or call. It's not the right thing to do. And now I'm nervous because I haven't talked with her at all.

I exhale and ring the bell. Amy opens the door and looks at me. She bites her lip.

"Are you nervous after you threatened me with Amanda?"

She chuckles "come in" she says softly. I come in and Amy closes the door. She is eyeing the roses. I give it to her "I'm sorry" I say. She shakes her head and asks me to sit down. I exhale and sit down on the couch. She sits next to me.

"How are you?" I look at her hand. The bruises are still there but the color is faint. Thank God!

"Physically or mentally?" She asks me back. Wise ass!

"Both" I say.

She shrugs. "Physically I'm okay. Look" she shows me her arms. "In few days no one can see the bruises anymore"

I nod and wait for her to continue but she just looks at me with an unreadable expression.

I just open my mouth but she beats me "are you going to break up with me?" she asks me. My eyes widened "what? no!"

She bites her lip "then why you didn't even text me. Am I that dirty?"

"What?" I come closer but she slides back. I stop in my place and look at her. "No, Amy. It has nothing to do with dirty. I was so mad because you didn't come to me first even though you said yes you will come to me"

She looks at her laps, the tears fall down. "I'm sorry Tony... it's not that I don't want to tell you. But I don't want you to lose Houston Publisher because of me. I know you too well. Once you know about Albert Stone you will immediately go to Houston Publisher"

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